Welcome to the Klaxoon resources!
The Kaizen method: an easy way for continuous improvement as a team
Solve problems once and for all, and improve your business performance and professional well-being.
Rough & ready prototyping: a method by LUMA Institute
Use the "Rough & ready prototyping by LUMA" Template, a rapidly built model of a new idea that approximates its appearance and behavior.
The Eisenhower Matrix: prioritize tasks and get organized as a team
Learn how to highlight real emergencies and organize important tasks as a team.
Storyboarding: a method by LUMA Institute
Use the "Storyboarding method by LUMA" Template, a series of images showing the key elements and interactions of a new scenario.
Onboarding: how to run an integration program with Klaxoon in 3 steps
Discover how Klaxoon allows Pascal to train newcomers at Harmonie Mutuelle.
Team Relay: find new ideas by bouncing off what the team says
A collective brainstorming technique to develop your ideas together.
The PDCA cycle: the virtuous circle for quality improvement
Try the PDCA cycle to discover as a team how to boost efficiency and skills.
Brainstorming: easily generate new ideas
With this Brainstorming template, generate new ideas as a team and move forward quickly.
The 5 Whys method: find sustainable solutions as a team
Solve your problems efficiently as a team, by getting to their root causes and asking the right questions.
Reverse brainstorming: turning the problem upside down to define the worst case scenario
Reverse the way you think about a problem and let the ideas flow from the worst-case scenario.
QRQC method: quickly resolve problems on the spot
Improve your teamwork and your products drastically with the QRQC method.
Remember the Future: find ways to improve your project by travelling in time
Travel through time as a team to launch a project with no hassle.
At L'Oréal, Victor and Guillaume rethink their training modules 100% remotely
Victor and Guillaume work as Learning Specialist at L'Oréal. They're responsible for trainings intended for the IT teams' 1700 members coming from all around the world.