Monthly Performance Meeting: set efficient continuous monitoring and improvement

Monthly performance meeting
This Monthly Performance Meeting template is a key tool for good team management. Organizing a monthly team meeting will help you all manage collective performance, and identify areas for improvement. You take stock together, everyone shares their best practices, and you think about future goals to set to be more effective!
The monthly meeting, to keep track of your goals
To move forward as a team and meet your goals, be they sales, marketing or whatever else, what better than defining them together and ensuring effective visual tracking? With the Monthly Performance Meeting template, preparing an effective monthly meeting is a breeze.
In a context where a team is managed through concrete objectives, each member is invited to prepare their monthly meeting. Then, on the day of the meeting, you all take stock of the current goals, share your best practices, what you like and your suggested actions. The aim is that everyone can say what worked well, and what worked less well. So that together, the team members find solutions to their problems while staying focused on the collective goals.
The monthly meeting is the perfect time to compare your key figures to your team goals, and think about setting the next ones. The team manager or project leader can also use this opportunity to consider the team’s internal structure, and who knows, maybe even improve it. That way, you end each month in the right frame of mind, and get the next one off to a good start!

How can monthly meetings improve your team management?
To know where you’re going as a team, it’s essential to set clear goals at the beginning of the month, and make sure they’re shared with everyone. The Monthly Performance Meeting template lets you take stock at the end of the month, and track changes over the year, thanks the online whiteboard where you can keep all the information regarding previous periods.
With this visual aid, you can find everything in one place, and identify at a glance whether the goals are being met thanks to the gauges you fill in. From one month to the next, everyone can see the progress of the team easily. And, for hybrid teams sometimes working remotely, this Monthly Performance Meeting whiteboard is a valuable tool that helps them easily analyze and understand the summary of the previous month even after the meeting, asynchronously.
What's more, in the spirit of continuous improvement, organizing a monthly meeting helps gain perspective on the team's activity, as well as on the way it works internally. You can then work both on your goals and on improving your management. This way, everyone is involved in collective performance and remains motivated.
Finally, this monthly meeting is a communication tool in its own right for good teamwork. Everyone has the opportunity to have their say about what they would like to try out, and share some new ideas. This means your management becomes more seamless and constructive from one month to the next.
How to organize a monthly performance meeting with Klaxoon?
Once the whiteboard has been prepared with the name of the team and the current month, invite the participants. First, they have add their photo to the Board. Then, you set the goals together for the current month in the yellow area, or simply copy in the ones you agreed on at the end of the previous month. All you will have to do is come back to this Board every month, as it will always remain accessible to your team as long as needed.
Before this monthly meeting, everyone is invited to fill in the table’s 3 columns individually:
- Best practices
- Personal highlights (what they liked)
- Areas for improvement
Here, you can share text, photos, drawings, web links, and more. When everyone has joined the meeting, the facilitator reveals the results of that month, and you all review the submitted ideas. If you want to energize the meeting at this point, you can launch a Challenge Question before sharing the team's results! This is ideal for revealing a key figure which you want to focus on later, for example. This way, you easily get got everyone’s attention!
Next, you review the goals together step by step. Each time, the teams concerned edit the gauge following the assessment. Remember that you can change the size of the strip you fill in to suit your tasks, and use the colored markers to visualize your progression. This is also the perfect moment for those concerned to comment on the results if need be.
Then, using the timer on the left, allocate some time for discussion so that everyone can read all the contributions. Invite participants to like their favorite ideas for improvement, and discuss them as a team if need be.
Finally, take some time to make projections. Based on previous exchanges and discussions, set new goals together, and propose actions to improve how the team functions. Use Dimensions to indicate the task owners and completion date. Now, all you have to do is use the goals set here as your starting point next month!
You too can adopt Klaxoon!
With Templates, innovate in the management of your projects, represent them visually and move forward as a team in a synchronized manner