We ❤️ our partners

Our trained and certified partners provide their expertise to help you effectively change how you can work as a team.

The Klaxoon partner team
Our partner network represented on a world map

A global network of experts

Klaxoon has a strong network of consulting and reseller partners worldwide. Regardless of your company's industry, size, or location, we strive to find the right partner for you to improve how you work as a team.

Increase your competitiveness: join our partner community!

Partners play a key role in our development and help us provide businesses with bespoke, targeted responses to help teams run efficient and productive workshops.

  • Join a global ecosystem of experts in digital collaboration and collective intelligence.
  • Boost your growth and help your clients accelerate the transformation of teamwork.
  • Enhance your expertise and skills by becoming a Klaxoon certified consultant.
  • Power your business and help your clients maximize their software investment.

The Klaxoon Reseller program is designed for partners that resell Klaxoon products and services to our customers while providing complementary services (software asset management, software licensing, and procurement).

The Klaxoon Solution Provider program is designed for Consulting Partners who accelerate customer adoption by providing an unrivaled range of consulting services from change management and agility to digital transformation.

3 partners are gathered on a Klaxoon Live

What our partners say

Klaxoon and onepoint are French companies that are aligned on human - and innovation - centered approaches. Our global partnership will accelerate the transformation of work practices by developing new collaborative use cases.
Karen Jequier
The way we work has changed: remotely or in the office, with teams on several sites, in agile mode... Work environments and digital tools are evolving to adapt to these new, more participative and flexible ways of working. Our ambition is to help our clients create dynamic and evolving collaborative spaces.
Vincent Lahoche
Deputy Chief Partner Officer
Two future Klaxoon certified consultants are accompanied by an expert to increase their skills in the tool

Become a Klaxoon certified consultant

You are a consultant looking to promote Klaxoon to your professional network?
Are you already an expert on the platform and want to improve your skills?

  • Master Klaxoon’s collaborative platform, which will allow you to set yourself apart as an expert.
  • Incorporate innovation within your consulting practices.
  • Revolutionize your presentation methods.
  • Fully understand Klaxoon's value proposition.