
Client Meeting: improve client interaction and collect valuable feedback for the next steps


Sales meeting

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Encourage discussions and improve client follow-up with this Client Meeting template. Use the benefits of visual management and the flexibility of Klaxoon’s Board to uncover your client’s needs, find solutions and secure the next steps. And all this in a single space! Whether you’re visiting your clients in person or working remotely, improve your sales performance with Klaxoon!

Improve your sales performance during client appointments

Are you a sales representative who wants to make your client appointments more effective, be it in person or remotely? With the Client Meeting template, you instantly get more value from your sales discussions.

Klaxoon’s whiteboard uses visual management to co-create a shared space with your client. On this template, fill in with your contact the area dedicated to their needs. Then, depending on what you have identified together, show them your product presentation boards, videos, pricing, product catalog and everything you want to promote. At the end of your discussion, the next steps will emerge quite naturally.

Whether you are working with your client in person or remotely, keep the same visual workspace whenever you contact them, so you get more client feedback and keep a record of your discussions. Your client is instantly satisfied that you understand their needs and keep track of them. What’s more, you also work more effectively and seamlessly, and your sales performance indicators automatically improve!

Whatever the topic, you and your clients can come back to this shared space anytime to check any information you need.

Why use a client follow-up template for your sales appointments?

The interactive and intuitive Client Meeting template boosts client interaction and lets you track all your discussions. This keeps them fact-based, and means you won't forget any new information that may have emerged during your latest appointments, nor the options to work on.

In a professional world where hybrid and remote work are becoming more widespread, sharing this whiteboard and co-creating an action plan following a sales appointment reassures your contacts and acts as genuine client follow-up. Not only does your presentation have more impact, but you also get more feedback and with no tedious reports to write. Above all, you don’t have to start the process from scratch at your next appointment!

In addition to improving your sales performance, paying attention to clients and finding ways to better understand their background and needs are always beneficial for a long-lasting, trusting relationship that's more likely to produce better sales results. You will be in a better position to meet their expectations with a targeted solution. Your discussions are also more valuable to both parties, and your client appreciates this. The benefit is for business, but it is human too!

How to use Klaxoon’s Client Meeting template

This template has 3 different parts:

  • First, your client’s needs, which should be completed together during the appointment.
  • Then, your offering: this should be prepared before the appointment.
  • Finally, the next steps after the appointment: this part is also to be completed with your client at the end of your discussions.

To get started, adapt part 2 of the whiteboard to suit your sales offering. To do this, gather all the information and content you need for your product or service presentation. You can share all kinds of documents: 

  • Images
  • Photos
  • Text
  • PDF
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Excel documents
  • Links to videos and demos

You can follow the suggestions available in the template, or add your own.

A few tips here! If you always present the same documents during your appointments with other clients, you can transform this Board into a new template. So you never have to start from a blank page, and you can reuse this customized whiteboard as much as you want.

Before each appointment, prepare your goals and format them in part 1:

  • Date
  • Duration
  • Your logo 
  • Your client’s logo

And that's it, you're all set for a sales appointment with your client! Invite them to the whiteboard, and if you’re working remotely, launch a Live videoconference. If you want your contacts to see exactly what you want to show them during the appointment, use the Synchro Board by clicking on the blue button. So when you move around the Board, your client sees exactly the same thing as you at the same time.

Then, move on to the main part of your appointment, where you discuss the three main topics with your client. At this stage, you can both send all the ideas you think will be most useful in whatever form you want. Everything will remain accessible to you both on the Board. 

Of course, feel free to change the titles of the main topics in accordance with your respective expectations. Like the ideas that will help you later. Use word cloud Questions to clarify a need and energize your sales appointment.

Now, it's your turn to present your offer. Based on what came out of the discussions with your client, choose what you will show them and use the synchro Board to zoom in on the relevant content. To be effective and keep your client focused, be sure to use the timer at the top to time your presentation. 10 minutes should be long enough. If new needs arise during your presentation, add them to part 1, so everything stays on the whiteboard!

Finally, based on your discussions during the appointment and your client’s feedback, decide on the next steps and schedule your next appointment. Remember to share a link to the Board with your client, so they can come back to it any time they have questions!

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