Welcome to the Klaxoon resources!

This space is dedicated to sharing best practices around efficient workshops and teamwork productivity. Our resources spreads the word through lots of articles, templates and case studies for you to get inspired and to get things done.
What exactly is asynchronous work?

What exactly is asynchronous work?

Get a better understanding of the concept of asynchronous work and what it means for your working methods.

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Meetings and workshops
Team management and rituals
Engagement and productivity
Project management
Hybrid and asynchronous work
4 tips for more interactive meetings

4 tips for more interactive meetings

For more effective meetings where you need everyone to participate, here are 4 techniques you can use.

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Meetings and workshops
Brainstorming and mindmapping
Engagement and productivity
Feedback and continous improvement
Training and learning

Unlock your teamwork potential

For free, make your first steps to top-tier work efficiency with the Klaxoon Work Collaboration Platform.