How to boost the adoption of new digital tools with a team challenge

Pascale Rivière is Director of Digital Transformation and Innovation at Inddigo. Inddigo is a consulting and engineering firm, with a mission to support its clients in every aspect relating to sustainable development: waste treatment, energy saving for buildings, circular economy, mobility and landscaping. Part of Pascale's role is to transform practices within her organization to get people to adopt new digital tools. She also has to make project management at Inddigo more collaborative, coordinated and interactive.
The challenge: transform practices across an entire organization
As the Director of Digital Transformation and Innovation at Inddigo, Pascale is responsible for information system management, as well as digital innovation and related products for Inddigo staff and its clients. She also heads up the company’s digital transformation project, called "Metamorphosis".
To drive this transformation, Pascale set up an internal challenge for all employees, from the CEO to technicians. This challenge is called "Play a part in Inddigo project management". The goal is to make remote collaboration as effective as face-to-face collaboration, while discovering and adjusting to new digital tools.
To make the challenge really fun, a prize will be awarded to the best team: a donation to a nonprofit organization of their choice, that deals with environmental issues.
The solution: a Board to make training more fun for the whole company
To successfully meet this challenge, Pascale turns to Klaxoon, and more specifically Board, which she can use to make each team work more collaboratively on a shared workspace.
To organize the challenge, Pascale divides people into working groups: "All the employees are divided into 26 teams of 8 to 10 people, with one coach per team."
At the end of the two-month challenge, the teams must produce a deliverable of their choice (PDF document, PowerPoint presentation, video etc.) presenting their solution to reduce digital pollution. The appeal of the challenge lies in the way it’s accomplished, assessed both on the quality of the deliverable and the level of collaboration, coordination and communication within the team.
To this end, each team is given a Board (identical for each team), linked with a Microsoft Teams space and comprising a set of steps to be completed. This Board was created with the help of the Klaxoon teams. Completing this Board is part of the challenge, like complying with the specifications.
At their own pace, whenever they want, the members of each team meet on this Board in Teams to work together.
The Board is set up as follows:
- A "Get to know each other" space where each team member introduces themselves and adds their photo.
- A space featuring the rules of the game and the user guide. This includes the specifications for the deliverable.
- A space that covers all the stages of project management at Inddigo with the associated methodological tools.

By making the adoption of these new tools a way of assessing the challenge, Pascale promotes their adoption. She is also convinced of their merits: "Nobody in the company knew about the Klaxoon tools. But as I was already familiar with it, I knew that it was user-friendly and that we could bring together employees from different backgrounds, in terms of locations, jobs and hierarchy. And to make it easier to get started and make sure people keep using it, we’ve integrated a Klaxoon tab in Teams."
By combining a practical challenge with e-learning training modules about collaborative project management, Inddigo staff retain more information and can replicate the best practices learned.
The result: time savings and improved efficiency
For Pascale, the benefits of using Klaxoon for her "Metamorphosis" project are threefold:
- On a human level, with more effective, more coordinated collaboration.
- Technologically, with the gradual adoption of the selected digital tools, such as Klaxoon and Teams.
- In terms of education, with the concepts developed in the e-learning modules integrated more effectively.
The challenge and this Board helped people working on different sites, with different jobs and different roles, to work better together. And we had extremely positive feedback. The adoption of Teams-Klaxoon tools was a success, even for those with little or no digital skills. And all the teams now know the basics of project management.

Pascale is particularly pleased to have created a buzz around digital pollution and raised general awareness on this topic.
Klaxoon tools have now become part of the daily routine for Inddigo staff. While they have been widely deployed internally, they are also popular with Inddigo clients externally.
You too can adopt Klaxoon!
With Templates, innovate in the management of your projects, represent them visually and move forward as a team in a synchronized manner