Welcome to the Klaxoon resources!
Ikigaï: finding the perfect balance for teamwork
With the Ikigaï template, share your respective skills and competences to work better as a team.
Schematic Diagramming: a method by LUMA Institute
Use the "Schematic Diagramming by LUMA" Template as an outline of the structure and essential components of a system.
Delegation Poker: delegating decision-making as a team with management 3.0
With the "Delegation Poker" model, agree on the decision-making processes with a level of delegation.
Interviewing: a method by LUMA Institute
Use the "Interviewing by LUMA Institute" template to gather information through direct dialogue.
Creative matrix: a method by LUMA Institute
Use the "Creative matrix by LUMA Institute" Template to spark new ideas at the intersections of distinct categories.
Thumbnail Sketching: a method by LUMA Institute
Use the "Thumbnail Sketching" Template, a series of small drawings used to quickly explore a variety of ideas.
Organize your workspace to optimize team performance
Use the “Organizing your workspace” template to set up your office space layout and to optimize team interaction!
Time to play: a digital whiteboard for those who want to have fun with online board games
Use the "Time to Play" model to take a relaxing break and play board games together!
Moving motivators: a management tool to understand your team's motivations
Use the Moving Motivators Template to discover what motivates your team on a daily basis and plan organizational changes or redefine missions.
Build your own: a method by LUMA Institute
Use the "Build your own by LUMA Institute" Template to express ideal solutions using symbolic elements.