Welcome to the Klaxoon resources!

This space is dedicated to sharing best practices around efficient workshops and teamwork productivity. Our resources spreads the word through lots of articles, templates and case studies for you to get inspired and to get things done.
How to use visual management effectively in retail

How to use visual management effectively in retail

Find out how 3 retail companies significantly improved their collaboration by using visual management tools.

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Feedback and continous improvement
Brainstorming and mindmapping
Engagement and productivity
Team management and rituals
Sales methods
Train 4 times more people by going hybrid
Case studies

Train 4 times more people by going hybrid

Discover how Lloyd Sese uses Board to lead a 5-day continuous improvement training program for Senior Managers.

Lloyd Sese
Lloyd Sese
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Feedback and continous improvement
Meetings and workshops
Training and learning
Hybrid and asynchronous work
Engagement and productivity

Unlock your teamwork potential

For free, make your first steps to top-tier work efficiency with the Klaxoon Work Collaboration Platform.