How to work and interact effectively in hybrid mode in the pharmaceutical industry?

Valérie Desre-Follet is Director of Medical Operations at Vifor France, which is part of the international pharmaceutical company CSL Vifor. Heading up a team of 6 regional medical referents, Valérie's role is to coordinate medical actions in the field with those of the national headquarters. The Klaxoon platform helps Valérie create interactivity during the events she leads, within in her team, and for project management as well.
The challenge: make a hybrid event more participatory and inclusive
In the Vifor France Medical Department, Valérie supports her team members in their development. They carry out missions with a wide range of healthcare professionals, such as doctors and other professionals working in different therapeutic fields: cardiology, nephrology and anesthesia.
The role of Valérie and her team is to define actions in line with the company's medical strategy. This involves organizing and leading medical events, training courses and collaborations, bringing together healthcare professionals from all over France.
Valérie wanted to make information sharing more interactive and less top-down at such events. She looked for a solution that would enable her to effectively engage all participants, in a hybrid context where some would be on site, and others connected remotely. The goal for her team was to move from an event where only a few people speak, to an all-inclusive exchange where each member has the ability to express themselves freely and interact.
Valérie therefore chose the Klaxoon visual platform to enhance the engagement of event participants, and stimulate exchanges between healthcare professionals. As a result, she also integrated Klaxoon into her project management and team facilitation.
The solution: a multipurpose collaborative platform that combines flexibility and commitment
1. “Train the trainer”: generating interactivity in training with healthcare professionals
The first national event where Valérie and her team used Klaxoon was a "Train the trainer", a one-day hybrid training course held in Paris. The event brought together 15 nephrologists, including 12 face-to-face participants and 3 remote participants.
The aim of the day was to train a group of nephrologists from different regions on a particular theme. This would enable them, in turn, to train their colleagues on the same topic.
Experts from Vifor France led the session on the collaborative Klaxoon platform, and the day was structured according to different phases:
- Participants are asked about their knowledge prior to the course
- All participants share important information
- Training summary shared by the group
In this context, Klaxoon's Quiz, Question and Survey activities enabled presenters to quickly test participants' knowledge and get them to interact, whether in person or remotely. Thanks to these interactions, healthcare professionals were better able to memorize the information communicated throughout the day.

Following this event, a Klaxoon Survey was also shared with participants asynchronously. The aim was to enable the group to evaluate the training in relation to their initial expectations. Everyone was able to complete the Survey whenever they wished, and participants were then solicited to share in synchronous mode. The results were very positive:
- The overall rating given by participants was 4.8/5;
- 93% of participants found the day's proceedings very interesting;
- Valérie and her team recorded a participation rate of 94% (14/15 participants), and pointed out that this was the first time it had been so high.

2. Team management: strengthening links and efficiency through collective intelligence
After organizing the "Train the trainer" with Klaxoon, Valérie wanted to take advantage of the visual platform, this time as a manager, to create a bond with her team. Through this approach, she wanted to create a highly participative meeting with all team members, and receive feedback from everyone.
On Klaxoon, she created a team space on a Board. The Board activity is Klaxoon's online whiteboard, providing a virtual exchange space where each team member can share information and express their point of view. With zones dedicated to each type of interaction (team rituals, planning, feedback, etc.), information is centralized and all exchanges are saved.

In addition to this Board, Valérie organizes an interactive session with her team every 2 months, using this same space to select the topics for interaction during the meeting. These moments give them the opportunity to step back as a team, and move forward in a coordinated way.
3. Project management: be efficient right from the start, using ready-to-use methods
In order to carry out certain medical projects, Valérie and her team set up actions with the help of Klaxoon. Once again, the Board tool seemed well-suited to project management.
That's why Valérie, her team, and an external service provider, are managing a multi-stage nephrology project with this tool.
Prior to launching the project, the team reflected on the obstacles it might encounter. They then used the Reverse brainstorming method to transform these potential obstacles into solutions and opportunities.
This brainstorming method involves taking the problem in reverse to find concrete solutions. For example, instead of thinking about the question "How can we improve the patient's care pathway?", the idea is to think about the opposite, i.e. "How can we make it worse?". Once the different ideas have been expressed, simply invert them to obtain a positive approach, which might not have been identified intuitively. Reverse thinking is a highly appreciated method for developing a different approach to a problem.
The result: more committed teams and greater collaboration
With a single platform, Valérie has been able to improve her collaboration in three different contexts, saving time and increasing efficiency. To interact both internally and externally, with the rigor and methodology required in the healthcare sector, the medical operations manager has found a single solution that meets multiple needs.
Through these different collaborative experiences, Valérie notes that Klaxoon has improved team engagement. They now work more fluidly, while considerably reducing the number of e-mail exchanges.
The tool makes all exchanges around a training course or project more efficient.
In a training context, Klaxoon has easily enabled everyone to participate and reinforce the assimilation of information and learning.
Following the positive feedback from the Survey shared with participants during the "Train the trainer" event, Valérie and her team extended this format to other events, such as medical congresses and stand-alone events with numerous participants. The visual platform has helped them achieve their objectives in terms of engagement and participation.

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