
Unleashing collaboration: Klaxoon's platform unveils exciting new updates


Published on
Jul 17, 2023
Executive summary:

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, effective collaboration is paramount for businesses and teams to thrive. Recognizing this need, Klaxoon has just unveiled an array of exciting updates on Board that will empower teams, boost productivity, and streamline communication. These enhancements are the result of Klaxoon's commitment to improving collaboration and providing users with an intuitive and all-encompassing platform.

Organize your content and navigate your Board more easily with Zones

One of the standout features of the latest Klaxoon collaboration platform's updates is the introduction of the powerful new Zones feature. With zones, it's become easier than ever to navigate your Board and create a common thread for your participants.

A Klaxoon Board with a pathway displayed in the form of several zones. | Klaxoon
Preview of Zones on Board

It's now possible to create zones that can hold all kinds of content: ideas, shapes, icons, text and sketches. You can use them to organize your ideas, but also to navigate around Board more easily by accessing them with a single click.

To create a zone, simply go to the "insert" menu and click on "zone". The size of the zone is then adapted directly to the zoom level of your Board.

The Insert menu on Klaxoon now includes a “zone” option. | Klaxoon
How to create a zone on your Board.

These zones created in Board or in a Template are retained when duplicating, exporting, importing, previewing or using Templates.

Participants will be able to access the table of contents and select zones to browse the Board, as well as upload content and share links. However, they will not be able to administer the zones or modify their properties.

Convert the content of PDF files into Board elements

In addition to enhanced efficiency, Klaxoon collaboration platform's updates also enable its users to import PDF files into Board and edit their text, image or SVG content.

The 'Insert' button on Board has been updated, and the words 'PDF' have been added to allow you to import the content of the PDF files of your choice.

A view of a PDF file being inserted and converted on a Klaxoon Board. | Klaxoon
Converting PDF files into Board.

The quality of the content exported to Board depends on the quality of the elements in the PDF file and its initial content. To guarantee Board's performance and quality, there is a maximum of 10 pages you can insert from a PDF.

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Evolution of ideas on Board

By incorporating valuable feedback from its user community, Klaxoon has also fine-tuned its Board ideas to align with the evolving needs of our clients, delivering a smoother, more visual experience!

Among the featured updates, there are now 2 idea formats to select:

An idea displayed on a Board in adjusted format. | Klaxoon
The Adjusted format, which is the only format that had existed until now. It remains the default format.
An idea displayed on a Board in the new square format. | Klaxoon
A new Square format!

Klaxoon's collaboration platform has also rolled out new idea creation updates:

  • Many changes have been made to the way you create and modify your text ideas.
  • When an idea is created or modified on the Board, all characteristics are saved for the next time the idea is created.
  • You can now create a chain of ideas! 
  • There are a number of changes that have been made to Controlled Mode on the Board, with added visual enhancements on the Context Menu.

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Access deleted ideas

Klaxoon animators can now access deleted ideas on their Boards! 

We've all deleted ideas before. From now on, no more unintentional idea deletions! It is now possible for moderators to recover the content of the ideation in order to restore deleted ideas. Moderators can also delete them permanently in order to clean up the list of ideas, or to delete content without deleting the entire Board. To access this function, simply change your View by clicking on "List View" from the bottom right of the Board.

A list displaying the ideas that have been deleted from a Board. | Klaxoon
View of deleted ideas from a Board.

Access to deleted ideas are reserved for creators and co-hosts, who will receive a notification when an idea is deleted. Ideas can be recovered for up to 3 months after deletion.

This feature is available to all Pro users. 

Learn more here

Striving for continuous innovation with Klaxoon collaboration platform's latest updates

With its latest updates, Klaxoon's collaboration platform continues to innovate and redefine what it means to collaborate efficiently in the digital age. By combining real-time collaboration, streamlined integrations, and a user-centric design, Klaxoon empowers teams to work smarter, communicate effortlessly, and achieve remarkable results.

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