
QRQC method: quickly resolve problems on the spot



QRQC method: quickly resolve problems on the spot
Published on
Oct 7, 2020
Executive summary:

With the QRQC template, use Quick Response Quality Control as a team on a daily basis to identify problems and find solutions together, so that you solve them quickly and once and for all. This method of problem solving and project management involves all the stakeholders of any project you may have. Together, review your performance every day, detect problems instantly and solve them as a team.

The QRQC method for solving problems on the spot as a team

Developed by Nissan in the 1990s, QRQC stands for "Quick Response Quality Control". Derived from the principles of Lean Management, it is the ideal project management method to solve problems on the spot on a daily basis.

As a team, detect malfunctions and fix them instantly with quick resolution processes. Then, spend some time solving problems or other malfunctions once and for all, to find lasting solutions.

The QRQC method comes from the Japanese Kaizen approach, a continuous improvement process based on concrete, simple and inexpensive actions. It’s all about making small improvements every day. So, whether you are meeting in person or in hybrid mode with some members working remotely, you can learn every day to become more vigilant and responsive as a team with the QRQC template.

Each circle stands for an area to address with your team to improve your quality response efficiency.

Improve both your teamwork and your products with the QRQC method

The QRQC template involves all the stakeholders in solving problems, and improves team performance. The first step is to mobilize the team to detect and resolve quality problems in real time. Then spend some time to solve them once and for all to prevent them from reappearing. This way, you guarantee product quality in the long term, and improve customer satisfaction.

The QRQC method is a powerful way to commit to and strengthen continuous improvement. Follow every step for a responsive and rigorous approach to resolving quality issues. By solving the problems encountered by employees, it increases motivation and strengthens team cohesion. Thanks to structured communication about the problems encountered, product and service quality improves, which in turn leads the company into a virtuous circle.

Finally, this project management method is particularly effective when combined with the visual management made possible by the tools of Klaxoon's infinitely scalable and customizable whiteboard.

How to use the QRQC method with Klaxoon

Start by inviting your team to your QRQC template on Board.

Focus on the five different circles inspired by the SQCDP matrix, and assess the performance level for each circle every day of the month. In black, there is no problem to report; in red, you highlight a problem and in green, the problem is solved. Of course, you can adapt colors to suit your needs; just click on the idea and edit the text.

For each red dot, create an idea, add the problem details and place it in the right area. Add the name of the theme in Category. Categories are pre-populated according to the default themes, but you can modify them according to your own themes in the “Options” area of the Board.

With this template, you can now see your ideas in the matrix and act on them as a team.

Now, switch to the “Fast-track solution” part. To complete this one, you can use the 5W2H method to describe your problem using seven questions: who, what, where, when, how, how much and why. Then, send safety ideas to avoid the problem escalating and, if the team comes up with several ideas, use the “like” button to vote for the most appropriate together.

Next, spend some time working as a team to find a lasting solution. First, identify its causes using the 5 Whys method, and then suggest corrective actions to rectify the fault in the long term. Use the “Standardization” area to capitalize on your problem-solving by taking a photo of the action taken, for example. Be sure to add the employee responsible for the action and tracking in Dimensions.

During your project’s management, you might need to solve several problems at the same time. To do this, use the Selection tool to move or rearrange any item on the Board, and copy the tables as needed.

And because there's always room for improvement as a team, you can use the retrospective template at the end of the month to review all your problem-solving and see how your group is working.

With the QRQC template, keep track of the discussions and adjustments made to your organization. This way, you can easily track how problems are dealt with and improve your performance.

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