
Swimlane diagram: Clarify the stages of a complex process



Published on
Mar 12, 2025
Executive summary:

Setting up any type of process can become increasingly complex. As your thinking progresses, many possibilities and exceptions can arise, sometimes simultaneously. 

This Swimlane diagram template on Board is a powerful tool that allows you to visualize the roles and dependencies in your process as a whole. Inspired by the image of swimming lanes, this interactive and visual method can optimize the design of any of your team processes.

What is a Swimlane diagram?

A Swimlane diagram is a type of flowchart that divides a process into a number of stages, each of which is associated with a stakeholder or team. Using the visual metaphor of swim lanes, this diagram clarifies the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder, while assigning a specific space to each stage of the process.

A person working on a computer that displays a process realized with the Swimlane diagram template on Board. | Klaxoon
Visually structure your process with shapes and a color code inspired by classic flowcharts.

The Swimlane method can be applied to any process, and is particularly effective in creating complex processes. Why? Because it provides a clear and orderly overview of the different interactions and dependencies between the elements of a process.

What are the benefits of the Swimlane method?

Whether in project management, change management, product design or customer relations, a Swimlane diagram has many advantages in terms of both clarity and efficiency:

  1. A better understanding of roles and responsibilities: By assigning each step to a specific actor, the Swimlane diagram clearly indicates who is responsible for what (a RACI matrix can help you do this even more accurately). This reduces ambiguity and strengthens the collective.
  2. Quickly visualizing sticking points: With a structured overview of your process, you can easily spot potential bottlenecks, duplication, or unnecessary steps. This helps you optimize your resources and simplify your approach as much as possible.
  3. More fluid and effective communication: The Swimlane diagram allows you to quickly see which actors are required to interact with each other throughout the process. This improves your coordination and collaboration, while each team member has a better understanding of how their work fits into the overall process.
  4. More flexibility and adaptability: The visual structure of the Swimlane diagram is easy to modify, making it adaptable to different types of processes and organizations. Teams can quickly adjust the diagram to reflect changes in roles or processes.
  5. More accurate decision-making: This method helps you identify critical decision points and make more informed choices based on a full understanding of the context and its constraints.

The Swimlane diagram is therefore an excellent way to map your processes, but also to transform the way your teams work and manage their projects, making their exchanges more transparent, efficient and aligned with organizational objectives.

Using Klaxoon's Swimlane template to effectively design processes

With this ready-to-use Swimlane template, you have all the tools you need on your Klaxoon Board to adapt it quickly and easily to your needs.

First, create a copy of this template, either directly from this page or from your Klaxoon account. Then give a name to the process you want to design, and add or remove swim lanes in the diagram according to the number of actors involved.

Once this step is complete, you can start laying the foundations of your process. A colour code is provided to help you:

  • Blue rectangle: A step in your process.
  • Red diamond: A condition that with different outcomes depending on whether or not it is met.
  • Orange ellipse: The beginning and end of the process, in order to visually frame it.
  • Turquoise wave: Relevant data or documents to improve understanding of your process.

When adding these elements to your diagram, make sure they are correctly placed in the swim lane corresponding to the actor, group or individual who will be responsible for them.

Finally, take a step back from your finalized process and look at it as a whole. Do certain steps seem redundant? Do you see any potential bottlenecks? Don't hesitate to detail your process as much as possible, in order to have complete visibility to make the best decisions.

This Klaxoon template allows you to easily visualize your entire process in just a few minutes, and to communicate effectively with stakeholders to enhance their role and contribution.

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