Greenstorm: reduce the environmental impact of your team

With the Greenstorm workshop, your team will identify everything in the company that can reduce its environmental impact. Then, you will be able to jointly assess the relevance and feasibility of each action to prioritize them. Distribute the tasks, and just like in project management, put in place an action tracking process to measure the impact! Whether you're meeting face-to-face or remotely, promote solutions to reduce your carbon footprint.
A workshop to offset the company’s carbon footprint
In 2016, in France, a quarter of all companies had recognized that their activity had a significant or extremely significant impact on the environment. Most often, this involved air pollution, waste generation, water pollution or noise pollution.
Apart from remote working and remote meetings now commonly used to reduce business travels, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and environmental initiatives require further action to make a real impact and act on climate change. As a possible answer to this challenge, the Greenstorm template is the first project management workshop to help teams in their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint.
It is mainly based on enabling teams to conduct environmental audits into different aspects (energy, transport, recycling, infrastructure and waste), collect ideas and vote for the most appropriate ones. The Greenstorm template also provides you with a mini roadmap to manage your actions, and an area for monitoring performance indicators.

Why working as a team is crucial for reducing your ecological footprint?
All business activities have a more or less significant impact on the environment. Depending on their scale and global reach, these can be pollution, overconsumption of vital resources, or destroying ecosystems and biodiversity in general, for example. Therefore, there are many simple everyday habits that can be transformed into real actions to reduce our environmental impact, if conceived and implemented as a team.
There’s nothing like collective power to find solutions for a sustainable future. The Greenstorm workshop heightens environmental awareness in daily team routines. It helps your team take stock of the situation and then find innovative ideas and concrete actions to put in place to reduce its environmental impact.
Inspired by agile methods and sustainable development, and using the same facilitation tools, the Greenstorm whiteboard is where inspiration and project management meet to enable teams to provide and implement practical solutions together.
How to launch a Greenstorm workshop with Klaxoon
Start by inviting your team members to your Klaxoon whiteboard. Then, launch the audit by asking a Question about the team’s commitment to each aspect (energy, equipment, infrastructure, transport and waste). Everyone has to vote by clicking under the carbon footprint Question. You can rate your team’s comments from 0 to 5, with 5 being the score for the highest impact on the environment.
Depending on the outcome, place the yellow rectangle representing your team in the right space. To do this, make sure you have enabled participants to move images, drawings, and shapes in the Move menu. Participants then send their ideas about the issues in the form of a word cloud.
Now, use your self-audit to come up with ideas, in yellow, in each work-related column. For each idea, invite the participants who suggested it to select a category (urgent, for example) and fill in the dimensions if possible. This way, you will assess the feasibility and impact of each idea. The whole team then votes for one or two ideas from each column by clicking on the heart.
Then, you can switch to a column view and sort the ideas to find the most liked ones. Make them blue, and move them to the action plan. Collectively assign each idea to a team member, who will then post their photo on the whiteboard.
Articulate needs together and then gradually put forward ideas on the board. Outside the workshop, you can use the Indicators section regularly to post progress and performance in terms of reducing your carbon footprint. Thanks to collective power, small changes can have a big impact!
You too can adopt Klaxoon!
With Templates, innovate in the management of your projects, represent them visually and move forward as a team in a synchronized manner