Time to play: a digital whiteboard for those who want to have fun with online board games

Time to play
Use the “Time to Play” template to give yourself a relaxing break and play revamped iconic board games together on the Board, even at a distance!
Far away from your friends and relatives? Working from home and unable to meet up with your colleagues? Yet, you love playing board games. No problem: you can now play together online! Klaxoon has revamped 3 iconic board games in this template. Thanks to the Klaxoon Board, you can chat while you play, interact with other team members, time the rounds, count points, etc. Find out about our online board games and try them out! Ready? Steady? Play!
The perfect digital whiteboard to play remotely and have fun as a team!
In Klaxoon’s own words, a template is your playground. This template definitely proves the point! We offer digital board games to play to your heart’s content, with your team, friends or relatives! Whether during a coffee break with colleagues or on Sundays with your family, there is always Time to play!
Board, the inclusive, collaborative and fun digital whiteboard
Discover Klaxoon’s Board, an online application that has taken visual management by storm. It’s a fully digital whiteboard, available from any smart device, such as a smartphone, desktop PC or tablet. The Board can be shared as a team, even from a distance: whichever part of the world you are in, you can work on the same whiteboard. Everyone can make a contribution and have their say!
- With Board, you can share any type of ideas. Whether you are sharing text, drawings, music, videos, hyperlinks, questions, or other content, the sky’s the limit!
- The Board offers an unlimited workspace where you can add anything you want. You’ll never be short of paper and space! Play as many rounds and games as you like!
- With Live, Board’s built-in video conferencing tool, you can chat and see one another at the same time. Klaxoon sees human interaction as a core value, and interacting with others is definitely what board games are about!
- No need to hold an hourglass up in front of the webcam. It’s all provided for in the Board! Use the Timer feature to time your rounds, without getting into an argument! You can easily adjust the length of your game: speed things up or slow things down as required. Board is fully customizable!
- Want to start a tournament in teams? Play several games simultaneously on the same Board. No problem! Several users can be logged on and use different areas of the whiteboard at the same time.
Klaxoon has revamped three iconic board games for you to enjoy on the whiteboard with friends, family or colleagues
- Power Klax: ideal for two players. Challenge an opponent: each player picks a disc color. In turns, players place a disc anywhere on the virtual grid. The aim is to line up 4 discs of the same color on the grid, in any direction! Naturally, you want to stop your opponent from completing their row first! The first player to complete a row wins the round. Then count your points using the instructions and score table.
- Klaxtegories: 2 to 10 players. One mystery letter and six ideas to find. At the beginning of each round, a mystery letter is uncovered and players have to find ideas beginning with the letter as quickly as possible in the following list of categories: sports, series/films, plants, cheeses, fictional characters, and brands. The first player to find words that fit in all the categories wins! Refer to the rules on the template to count your points.
- Sketch it: for 3 players or more. An “artist” is chosen for each round: the designated player picks an idea card to find out what they have to draw, using the Board’s dedicated tools. The others try to guess what the drawing represents: a simple word, a celebrity or fictional character, or a common saying or idiom, depending on the card! The person drawing must get the other players to guess what the idea is before the allocated time runs out. Each player tries to guess first before the others do.
Using games as a team management tool
Mutual trust and lack of tension are the key to good teamwork. Using games is a good way to keep the team spirit alive, whether in the office or working from home.
Home working is rapidly becoming the new normal, and remote team management requires appropriate tools. Klaxoon has in fact developed a template specially designed for the best remote team management practices. Teamwork needs fun moments, and this is precisely what Klaxoon’s “Time to Play” template can provide, with three ready-to-use online games.
When you’re working from home, it is sometimes difficult to strike the right balance between work and relaxation. Yet everyone needs to take breaks to stay efficient and fully engaged! If you can work remotely, you can play remotely! The “Time to Play” template is here to prove it. Choose your favorite game or try them all. You can interrupt a game and start where you left off at any time: the game is automatically saved on the Board.
You too can adopt Klaxoon!
With Templates, innovate in the management of your projects, represent them visually and move forward as a team in a synchronized manner