
Periodic audits: a whiteboard to centralize information in teams


Periodic Audits

Published on
Nov 12, 2021
Executive summary:

The safety of a business place and its occupants depends on the proper management and regular maintenance of its technical installations and equipment. The number and frequency of these technical inspections are regulated by law, depending onthe organization's status. 

With the Periodic Audits template, bring together all the actors involved, on site or remotely, and easily organize the follow-up of verifications, in one place. Simply exchange information to move from verification to action: reception of the safety commission, maintenance, work, etc.

Managing equipment audits within an organization can quickly become a headache, yet it is important not to neglect them. Poorly managed periodic inspections can be dangerous. Safety issues cannot be taken lightly, and they meet regulatory, technical and operational requirements.

What are periodic audits?

They are called initial or periodic inspections. It is to regularly ensure that all equipment is in working order and well maintained. These checks are carried out by qualified personnel, employed directly within the organization concerned, or by subcontracting to a company specialized in the control of the installation concerned. If a machine is defective, or if an anomaly is detected, it is necessary to remedy it as soon as possible to avoid a dangerous situation.

Visual management for safety

With the Periodic Audits template (in French only), you can meet as a team, with the different actors involved, always in the same place: Board. You can launch a meeting to synchronize in one click, and being at distance is not a problem. The integrated video conference, Live, facilitates live exchanges. 

Update equipment status: using visual management, you can immediately identify the status of equipment in real time, deadlines and actions to be taken. How can you do this? By using the different features of Board: color coding to sort your ideas, categories and dimensions to provide additional fields and be as precise as possible. The different actors involved can consult the Board asynchronously, outside of meetings, anda re notified of each update. The follow-up of the periodic verifications is fluidified.

Screen showing an ongoing Live session in a facility team

Why use the Periodic Audits template? Julien Legrand's testimony, fire safety manager and founder of Securpartners

"Carrying out periodic checks on installations is a regulatory obligation and an operational necessity, but it also represents a significant and time-consuming burden for the owners and operators of the premises. 

With Klaxoon and Board, we are relieved of logistical constraints: we have a more qualitative approach to our services while giving ourselves the ability to carry them out remotely, which was not possible before, due to the very nature of the animation game that is central to these workshops. We can focus on our expertise without being constrained by the logistical dimension of the sessions.

The centralization of data concerning periodic checks on the Klaxoon digital whiteboard also represents a considerable time saving. Today, I have divided my preparation time by 2, and the two facilitators can concentrate on the essentials.

Board allows me to keep my promise of demanding quality to my customers while at the same time igniting a sense of innovation in them."

Periodic audits at the heart of a complete maintenance process

Find in parallel the Equipment Inventory and Verification template to manage equipment maintenance in a collaborative and real-time manner. The Safety Register template allows you to group your different follow-up Boards, such as "Equipment Inventory and Verification" and "Periodic Audits".

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