
Digital CleanUp Challenge: clearing your digital data earns you points


Digital Clean Up Challenge

Published on
Mar 17, 2022
Executive summary:

The Digital CleanUp Challenge is the ideal way to raise awareness about digital pollution while taking concrete action to reduce it. This template, inspired by the World Cyber CleanUp Day, is based on 5 steps to clean up your data from top to bottom, but also to offer a second life to unused digital equipment. 

What is the Digital CleanUp Challenge?

The Digital CleanUp Challenge is a template inspired by the World Cyber CleanUp Day

Light on the Digital CleanUp Day

Launched in 2020, this day of awareness about the environmental impact of digital technology is held on the 3rd Saturday of March.  Beyond raising awareness, this event encourages concrete action following the awareness. How can we do this?

- by consuming less digital equipment and data storage space

- by extending the life of digital equipment or giving it a second life

- by changing habits in terms of production and transfer of digital data

Introduction to the Klaxoon template challenge approach

Proposed in the form of a challenge, this approach is part of a fun and competitive context that strengthens the commitment of your employees, in the service of a cause that cannot be ignored. A system of points attributed to each action boosts everyone's participation. For a specific period of time, everyone is invited to do the big clean-up!

Because adopting good practices on a daily basis can have a strong impact, this challenge aims to generate a global awareness and to inculcate gestures that allow to reduce one's digital carbon footprint. 

As a team, take up the challenge step by step by cleaning your computer, your phone, your mailbox and your social networks and keep your colleagues informed in real time of your progress to motivate the troops! 

3 good reasons to use this template to do a big digital data cleanup 

Raise awareness among teams about the environmental footprint of digital

Changing one's habits in terms of data storage, or using one's digital equipment differently, are small things that put together contribute to reducing the environmental impact of digital. We don't necessarily know this, so taking time as a team to become aware of the subject, with the help of documentation and dedicated tools, is beneficial for everyone.

Engage and motivate your employees in this process

The challenge format is often appropriate to engage employees in a process. Where cleaning up one's digital data can appear to be a solitary, time-consuming task that is easily postponed, the fact that it is part of a competition boosts the participants. Let's start now, and together!

Contribute to the preservation of the planet at your own level

By acting concretely, action after action, everyone contributes to reduce the environmental footprint of digital technology. With this template, the whole team commits and acts. It is also an opportunity to acquire tips and best practices for the future.

You can also find in our library the Greenstorm template to act as a team and contribute to reduce the carbon footprint!

How to use the Digital CleanUp Challenge template?

Click on "use this template" to launch your own Board, on which you gather the participating team, whether they are in the room or remotely. Live, the videoconference integrated into the Board, allows you to synchronize all your team members in a flash, even when working in hybrid mode.

Quickly present the context, the objective and the steps of the challenge. Determine together the start and end dates. Each person posts an idea with his or her photo and name. This avatar will act as a "pawn" on the challenge's path. Like on a game board, you advance your pawn as you progress through the stages of the challenge. There are 5 stages along the way, each with a list of actions to take. 

The 5 steps of the challenge are the following:

- Clean your computer and your drive

- clean your smartphone / tablet

- clean up your mailbox

- clean up your social networks

- recycle your equipment

For each step, you will find detailed information in the associated PDF. You can read it in 1 click and scroll down the pages, or download it as you prefer. The resources provided are from the World Cyber Cleanup Day website. 

All the actions mentioned in the challenge are not mandatory to advance to the next one, but they allow you to accumulate a certain number of points. Don't forget to keep your score up to date, by updating it under your picture. A field is specially dedicated for that. 

When the challenge is over, meet around the Board to establish the final ranking! And why not reward the winner(s)... with an eco-friendly prize, of course ;-) 

So, ready to reduce your digital footprint?

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