What is agile project management and how to implement it?

Executive summary:

Agile team management is a methodology employed to streamline the process by which projects are completed. This type of management style relies heavily on teamwork and collaboration in order to get tasks completed efficiently and effectively. In agile management, teams work in short sprints to deliver value incrementally, while also being able to adapt to changing customer needs and requirements.

Origin and history of agile management

During the second part of the 20th century, the Japanese company Toyota developed a new production system in order to increase production and develop relations between the suppliers and the company but also with the final customers. All of this, while eliminating waste and continuously improving processes. This was the very beginning of agile processes.

Agile team management can trace its origins back to the software development industry. In the early 2000s, a group of software developers came together in an attempt to create a more efficient way of developing software. They wanted to find a way to avoid the issues that often arose from traditional, waterfall-style development methods.

The agile team management approach they developed was based on the principles of agile software development, which emphasize iterative development, customer involvement, and team collaboration.  They came up with The Manifesto for Agile Software Development, which outlined 12 key principles that agile management should follow.

The 4 core values of agile management

There are four core values that are considered to be the foundation of agile management:

  • People and interactions over processes and tools;
  • Operational software over comprehensive documentation;
  • Collaboration with customers over contractual negotiation;
  • Adapting to change over following a plan.

The 12 principles of agile management

In addition to the 4 core values, the agile manifesto also outlines 12 principles that agile teams should follow:

  1. The 1st principle is that agile teams should prioritize individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  2. The 2nd principle is that agile teams should focus on working product over comprehensive documentation.
  3. The 3rd principle is that agile teams should embrace change and be willing to adapt their plans as necessary.
  4. The 4th principle is that agile teams should work together collaboratively in order to achieve their goals.
  5. The 5th principle is that agile teams should always strive for continuous improvement.
  6. The 6th principle is that agile teams should value customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  7. The 7th principle is that agile teams should focus on delivering a working product to the customer as quickly as possible.
  8. The 8th principle is that agile teams should take an iterative and incremental approach to product development.
  9. The 9th principle is that agile teams should always strive for simplicity.
  10. The 10th principle is that agile teams should self-organize and be willing to experiment.
  11. The 11th principle is that agile teams should always strive for continuous improvement.
  12. The 12th and final principle is that agile teams should reflect on how to become more effective.

The benefits of agile project management

There are a number of benefits that businesses can reap by employing agile team management within their organization. Some of these benefits include:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Greater flexibility
  • Improved communication
  • Increased customer satisfaction

Agile project management allows employees to work more efficiently by focusing on the highest-value tasks at hand, while removing any unnecessary burden from them, so they don't feel overwhelmed or overworked. A company can expect to see increased efficiency as well as productivity boost from their workers because they are able to communicate more efficiently with one another about tasks at hand (thanks to Kanban boards for example), which improves coordination between the company’s departments. The final outcome is an improved customer satisfaction, because all the stakeholders involved will receive what they desire most - good service!

The disadvantages of agile project management

Agile methods are based on the principle of "iterative development", which means that projects are completed in small increments, or "sprints". This approach has several advantages, including the ability to respond quickly to changes and the opportunity to get feedback early on in the project.

However, there are also some disadvantages of working this way. One downside is that agile projects can be harder to control, since they often involve constant change and adaptability. Another disadvantage is that agile teams can be difficult to manage, since they need to be highly organized and disciplined in order to be successful. Agile management can be disruptive to traditional workflows and processes, which can cause confusion and resistance among employees who are accustomed to more traditional methods.

Overall, while agile management has its benefits, it also has some significant drawbacks that should be considered before adopting this approach.

How agile management can be used in your business

Agile management is a style of project management that is designed to be flexible and responsive to change. Agile management can be used in a wide range of industries, from software development to marketing, and can be tailored to suit the specific needs of your organization.

If you’re thinking of implementing agile team management in your business, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to ensure that your team is on board with the change. Agile team management requires a shift in mindset and a different way of working, so it’s important that everyone is on the same page.

You also need to have a clear understanding of what agile team management entails. Be sure to do your research and develop a solid plan before making any changes. Once you have a good understanding of agile team management and your team is on board, you can start making changes and reaping the benefits of this efficient methodology.

How to implement agile management

In order to implement agile management, organizations need to put in place a number of processes and procedures. Firstly, they need to assemble a team of people who are willing to work collaboratively and to identify the agile principles that will guide the project. Secondly, they need to create a project plan that outlines how the agile principles will be implemented. Thirdly, they need to assign roles and responsibilities to the team members. Fourthly, they need to track progress and report regularly on progress against the project plan. Finally, they need to review the project at regular intervals to ensure that it is on track. By following these steps, organizations can ensure that they are able to deliver agile projects successfully.

What is the difference between agile and scrum?

Scrum is an agile methodology that can be used to manage projects of all sizes. Scrum is based on the agile principle of delivering a working product to the customer as quickly as possible. The scrum methodology breaks down large, complicated tasks into smaller manageable chunks called “sprints” and relies on stakeholders' feedback to make adjustments in later stages when necessary. The goal in each sprint for businesses using this system is to finish specific accomplishments quickly and release products with the most important features first – coming out ahead on their investment by building more than what's needed at first so customers will be happy once delivered.

The main difference between agile and scrum is that agile is a methodology employed to streamline the process by which projects are completed, while scrum is a framework that can be used to implement agile principles.

When agile is used, teams work together to complete tasks efficiently and effectively. And when scrum is implemented, it provides a structure and set of guidelines that teams can use to ensure they're following agile principles.

5 agile tools to improve your project management

You want to implement agile project management within your team to improve your performance? Discover our free templates and become agile today:

Also discover Klaxoon’s Workshop Platform, the all-in-one tool to implement agile management through each of these templates

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