The Jukebox: discover your team through music

The jukebox
Musical tastes are not generally open to discussion. But what if they could be a great opportunity to learn more about your team! Before a workshop or during your weekly catch up, the Jukebox icebreaker is the perfect way to see each other in a new light, through songs. Spend 15 minutes sharing your playlist and unleash your creativity to find even more good ideas!
Why Jukebox?
Most of the time, they’re seen in old movies or retro bars. Jukeboxes are usually quite large devices, and they are a way of playing music by choosing songs, in busy places.
What better then than your own team jukebox to reveal your respective playlists? During this icebreaker, you all share 4 songs that mean something to you on the template:
- The song you play on repeat
- The song that makes you laugh
- The song that makes you dance
- The song from your childhood

It’s time to get your records out! There then follows a discussion and a vote to guess who shared which playlist. In less than 15 minutes, you’ve had a discussion and your team is energized for the rest of the day. Ready to send some music?
How to run your Jukebox icebreaker
Set the stage
Just before launching the Jukebox icebreaker, asynchronously, go to the bottom of the template and customize the Poll Questions that appear before the reveal phase.

Add the first name of all the participants to the voting options. During the voting phase, it only takes team members one click to try to guess the identity of the person behind the shared playlists.
Then, copy the Questions so you have enough for all the participants, one under each “playlist” column.
Share your playlist
At the beginning of your workshop or team ritual, invite participants to join your Board, by simply sharing the Board access code in Pseudo mode (so ideas can be sent anonymously).
Then, start a video conference session directly on the Board using Live, and selecting 15 minutes as the time dedicated to your icebreaker.
Once the team is gathered on the Board, each participant adds an idea with their photo and name at the top of the jukebox. And you’re all set! Everyone then adds the 4 songs to the “Playlist” column as links or audio files.
During this phase, if you recognize the song or the person who could have shared it, feel free to react, using the “like” button, or by adding ideas with GIFS or emojis. But be sure to keep your identity secret, until the reveal!
Vote as a team for the reveal
Now, it's time to try to guess who owns which playlist on the Jukebox. You might be surprised! Have a quick discussion with your team to share your reactions, then vote for each Question under the playlist columns.
When you vote, the results are consolidated in real time, so you can see the votes of each participant directly added to the group statistics. This means you can carry on reacting, while keeping everyone in suspense until the end of the voting session.
Then, in “The reveal” section at the bottom of the jukebox, each participant copies their photo and places it under their playlist. So, have you been surprised by some of the musical tastes of your colleagues?
What are the benefits of the Jukebox icebreaker for teamwork?
With the Jukebox icebreaker, you can share more than just ideas or text. Change the format and unleash your creativity! As well as inspiring karaoke evenings, the Jukebox gives you the opportunity to take your thinking to another level, and find even more good ideas with your team.
Quick to set up, all you need is 15 minutes at the beginning of the workshop to create a climate that encourages ideation and participation. Everyone can express themselves and react spontaneously, and get themselves in the right mood for working together for the rest of the workshop.
For groups who have just met and for those who already know each other, the Jukebox always adds an element of surprise and novelty in the way everyone interacts together. And this can be felt in your effectiveness throughout the day!
Not to mention that this is also the perfect opportunity to share and introduce new music to your team! Who knows, maybe one day you will surprise your colleagues listening to your favorite song on repeat?
You too can adopt Klaxoon!
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