
The Hair Salon: an offbeat icebreaker to stir up the team’s creativity


The hair salon

The Hair Salon: an offbeat icebreaker to stir up the team’s creativity
Published on
Jan 11, 2022
Executive summary:

Sometimes, a team has to split hairs to meet success.... An icebreaker can also help along the way! This ideal workshop starter typically gets the group in the right mood.
Let the team share a good laugh with the “Hair Salon” Template. First of all, team members pick a quirky hairdo from the wig bar. Next is the hairstyle-based brainstorm phase. The aim is to come up with as many hair salon names as possible to stimulate collective creativity!

Immediately get the team in the right mindset

All head to Board Hybrid for a relaxing session at the hairsalon

This interactive workspace can definitely accommodate all the team members. Board Hybrid is what is known as a whiteboard: an unlimited digital workspace based on visual communication. All kinds of shapes, images, texts and documents can be shared hassle-free on the board.
With its built-in videoconferencing tool, Live, it can accommodate all the teammembers at once. Everyone can interact without being physically present in the same place.
To start off the activity, everyone posts a picture (preferably a full-faceportrait), entering their name in the caption field.

Treat yourself to a funny hairstyle

Everyone picks a hairstyle that fits their mood of the day from the wig bar. There’s a wig for every taste. Don’t be shy and don’t worry about what you look like! From platinum blonde to electric blue, indulge yourself with an unusualcolor. Pick any haircut you like: long or short, an impeccable bun like Cinderella’s, sensible plats like Laura Ingalls, a surfer style and many more...
Once you’ve chosen your favorite wig from the selection of 12, copy it then place it over your picture. Resize the image and adapt it to your face for a perfect result!
And for a bit of extra fun with this icebreaker, why not ask everyone to pick awig for their neighbor? Sure to get laughs all round!

Preview of the Board of a team making the icebreaker "The Hair salon" | Klaxoon
Preview of the Board of a team making the icebreaker "The Hair salon" | Klaxoon

Boost creativity with a brainstorm session 

Start a collective creativity session 

With their unique hairstyles, the team are now ready for a quirky hair-themed brainstorm! Now’s the time to think and come up with as many hair salon names as possible, while displaying your great creative skills. Of course, don’t be afraid to come up with puns: the cornier, the merrier! Braid runner, Let hair Blove, etc.
To challenge the team, time the session and run a countdown using the Timer feature on the Board Hybrid. Everyone takes 3 minutes to post one idea for eachhair salon name in the dedicated space.

Debrief the brainstorm session 

To wrap up the icebreaker, get the group to discuss the various ideas. Some members may have already visited a hair salon with one of the suggested names.This could be an opportunity to share an anecdote and to get people talking. 
Then invite the group to vote individually for their 3 favorite names, byadding a heart symbol via the “like” button. Find out the name of the salon that got the most votes.
Ready to let your hair down for this hair-raising icebreaker?

5 illustrated characters are wearing the wigs of the icebreaker "The hair salon" | Klaxoon

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