
The festive season icebreaker: a friendly moment to share as a team


Festive season icebreaker

The festive season icebreaker: a friendly moment to share as a team
Published on
Dec 17, 2021
Executive summary:

An icebreaker is the ideal workshop starter. And that’s exactly whatthis Template aims to do: its festive theme creates a relaxed atmosphere forthe team during the festive period.
Once logged on to the Board, everyone finds themselves immersed in Santa’selves’ workshop. Everyone creates their elf name and finds out their role,using the correlation tables. All the different combinations take the group bysurprise and get everyone in the right mood. Save this cheerful moment with asnapshot of the merry little elves.
Ho, ho, ho... Santa can’t wait to count you in with his team of helpers!

As a team, break the ice in 10 minutes sharp

Welcome the team to the Board in Santa’s elves’ workshop

Whether attending in person or remotely, or a combination of both, your team can meet up at the same place: Board Hybrid. This whiteboard is an interactive workspace featuring a wide array of options promoting visual communication! A highly valued asset for those attending remotely and who are easily included in the interaction, with Live, the built-in videoconferencing tool.
To start the activity, everyone picks an elf from the illustration and drops their photo onto the elf in question.

Find out your elf character and present it to the team

By following a very simple instruction, everyone creates their elf name in two words:

  • In the blue column, the initial of your first name shows the first word.
  • In the yellow column, your month of birth shows the second word.

For example, Martin, born in March, will find out that his elf name is: PlayfulCandy Cane!
On the same principle, your day of birth in the green column reveals your role in the elves’ workshop. For Martin, born on March 9, he is a toy customer service manager.
To share this information with the rest of the group, everyone fills in the customization fields, also known as "dimensions", in the picture sent at the beginning of the activity.
Everyone takes turns to introduce their elf character to the group: the most popular characters can be put forward with a “like”.

Overview of the Board of a team that participated in the Festive Season icebreaker. | Klaxoon

Smile for the picture

To save the moment as a team, why not take a snapshot of all the elves? Focus on the illustration then click on the “snapshot” button. Browse for your snapshots by selecting the “snapshots” button, then download your pictures.

Why ask your team to take part in the festive season icebreaker?

In only 10 minutes, this icebreaker will get everyone to feel like a kid again, creating the right mood to interact and bond. By the way, don't take offense if you get called by your elf name by your fellow team members from time to time!This easy activity paves the way for successful workshops as a team.
Although the template is initially designed for 20 people, it can also accommodate a larger group by copying the illustration. All Board Hybrid’s elements can be tailored to your needs!
This template from Klaxoon’s library is not only an icebreaker: it can also be used as a corporate event to celebrate the festive season. How? By inviting every department to share their elf team snapshot! These pictures will also be a useful memory-jogger to find your team’s birthday.
Ready to get your team in a festive spirit?

A team is gathered around the Christmas tree. | Klaxoon

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