Case study

How Rafik defines action plans remotely with his clients in one hour?


Shared by 
Rafik Youssouf
Consultant, Kea Partners

As a consultant with Kea & Partners, Rafik helps international companies with change management. Find out how he uses Klaxoon to get customers working remotely to participate and define action plans.

Rafik is a consultant with Kea & Partners, a company that specializes in helping people and companies with change management through coaching, advice, and training. He works with international companies of every size, in every industry: CAC40 firms, medium-sized companies, major retailers, luxury firms, etc. These companies are undergoing transformation and need support related to the issues they encounter in terms of their changing culture.

Moderating remote sessions while helping people speak up

Rafik has been using Klaxoon with his customers since October 2016, in particular in consulting workshops, to help distributed teams working in different countries collaborate on these change-related issues.With his customers' teams being distributed internationally, Rafik needs to organize remote workshops. The aim is to enable groups of 5 to 15 participants to express themselves through ideation sessions, and then to define a schedule with key ideas, and formalize a meeting report as efficiently as possible.

With Klaxoon, I can involve everyone, even people working abroad, and they send more ideas. That was impossible before!

Board, the flagship tool for remote collaboration and defining concrete action plans

Rafik adapts his use of Klaxoon to his customers' needs. For example, he is going to organize a remote collaborative workshop for a food service company that wants to improve its annual seminars. To get the participants to work together on solutions, he invites his team to connect to a Klaxoon's Board.It’s very easy for them to all send their ideas simultaneously, using any digital device, directly on Board. This enables Rafik to ensure all participants are involved during the ideation workshop, even those working remotely.

An overview of the ideation workshop on Board.

Board allows users to organize and visually represent the ideas shared by the entire group, to collect participants' opinions, to objectify their impressions, and ultimately to generate concrete recommendations to implement. All in under an hour!The material is collected directly and exported by Rafik in Excel format: no time is wasted on summarizing the content and formalizing a meeting report, and the material is 100% faithful to what was said in the workshop.

Klaxoon is an all-in-one solution for moderating workshops remotely, collecting all the ideas, and automatically generating meeting reports without having to retype them once we get back to the office.

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