
Effectively gathering feedback from participants


Collecting feedback

Effectively gathering feedback from participants
Published on
Apr 17, 2024
Executive summary:

Whatever your professional activity, the effectiveness of your collaboration increasingly depends on the continuous improvement of your processes. After a meeting, workshop, training session, or any other exchange, collecting feedback from participants in a structured way is essential to assess and improve the quality of your day-to-day interactions.

With this “Collecting Feedback” Survey template, you can save time and make this step as simple as possible for you and your teams. This dynamic format encourages everyone to participate and quickly gives you a clear picture of the group's opinion thanks to targeted questions. As a result, you can immediately identify areas for clarification and improvement, as well as what worked well and what made your decision-making easier.

The power of feedback in collaboration

When properly collected and used, feedback can reveal a potential for improving your collaboration that isn't always intuitive or accessible. Taking a few minutes for this step at the end of a meeting or team exchange is therefore crucial to understanding participants' perceptions, and identifying what was effective, as well as any sticking points. 

Were the topics discussed relevant? Were the objectives clear? Was the time allotted sufficient, or too long? If these questions aren't explicitly asked, it may be difficult, or even risky, to rely on assumptions to structure your next exchanges.

A person working on a computer displaying a “Collecting Feedback” Survey. | Klaxoon
For example, it is not always easy to understand intuitively whether the topics discussed were in line with everyone's expectations.

By integrating feedback-gathering into your day-to-day collaboration, you set up a virtuous cycle based on the continuous improvement of your working practices, and thus enhance the agility and adaptability of your teams.

Why use the “Collecting Feedback” Survey?

There are several ways to get structured feedback. For collective work, a survey is the best format for creating interaction without taking up too much of the participants' time. That's why we have created this “Collecting Feedback” Survey template, which is easy to share and adapt to any context. 

In about ten questions (the number can be adjusted to suit your needs), this Survey enables you to collect tangible feedback and benefit your organization:

  • Alignment with participants' expectations: with this Survey, you make sure that the topics addressed during the exchange correspond to what was expected, and that nothing has been forgotten. In this way, you maintain everyone's engagement and readjust if necessary the points to be addressed in the next stages.
  • Qualitative and quantitative evaluation: This Survey contains rating questions that enable participants to assess, on a scale of 1 to 5, how well the session went or their understanding of the subject. You can also ask them open questions to obtain more detailed feedback on their impressions, or on specific aspects to be improved.
  • Measuring group engagement: this template also focuses on interactivity and clarity of objectives, enabling you to understand whether your working environment was conducive to exchange and active participation.
  • Identifying successes and bottlenecks: with this Survey, feedback from the group quickly highlights the positive aspects of the exchange, which should be retained or accentuated for the next stages. Above all, it gives you the keys to understanding what didn't work so well, and what needs to be improved or adjusted in the future.

How to use this Survey on Klaxoon's collaboration platform

This “Collecting Feedback” Survey template is a key element to share at the end of a working session, to quickly obtain constructive feedback from your teams. Here is how to use it in the all-in-one Klaxoon platform to unleash its full potential:

1. Prepare the Survey according to your needs

On Klaxoon, create a new Survey from the ready-to-use "Collect Feedback" template, available at the bottom of the activity creation menu. Several of the most popular question formats are already configured in the template. You can customize them in two ways:

  • By editing the questions and the desired response format: rating, single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, open-ended questions, etc.
  • By removing certain questions or adding others, to better suit your own context and team exchange.

2. Sharing with the group and gathering responses in real time

Once the Survey has been finalized, simply share it with participants via a direct link, or by inviting them using their e-mail address. Participants can respond at any time and from any connected device, and you'll see the results evolve in real time.

3. Results analysis

Once all the responses have been collated, you can see trends emerging, with the strengths and areas for improvement identified by the group. Survey results are centralized in a visual, easy-to-interpret report, enabling you to make confident decisions about future developments.

4. Action deployment

Last but not least, the final step is to take action consequently to the collected feedback. Analyze the data, discuss it with your team, and plan concrete changes to be tested in future sessions. Always bear in mind that feedback is not just a measurement tool, but a real pillar for fostering a culture based on continuous improvement.

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