Artificial intelligence: New features available in your Klaxoon Boards

Klaxoon's collaboration platform now boasts new features that use artificial intelligence to help you work faster. Now you can not only simplify, summarize and translate the content of your Boards, but also generate a complete action plan! All while taking into account the visual indicators in your workspace: color of ideas, layout of text and links, and even images or graphics if available.
In a context where organizations must constantly innovate and adapt to be more efficient, discover how these new features will increase your efficiency to maximize productivity as you collaborate.
Artificial intelligence: An opportunity to collaborate more effectively
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become essential in all areas of activity, because for organizations it represents an opportunity to innovate, be more efficient and effectively transform their working practices to focus on high value-added tasks. For example, to improve the productivity of exchanges, AI can intervene to summarize, classify and analyze shared ideas, and more generally enable your teams to gain efficiency.
Always at the forefront of innovation and committed to helping you build the workspace of tomorrow, we have sought to combine the power of AI with that of visual management in Board, our collaborative whiteboard, by enhancing it with new and unique AI-based features.
This solution allows you to visually analyze your team's contributions to create reports by synthesizing the ideas expressed in Klaxoon, if you choose to activate this option, without having to generate prompts yourself. You can also use it to translate content or generate action plans at the click of a button, while respecting the confidentiality of your data.
Get from idea to action even faster with Board
1. Summarize your ideas in no time
You have shared lots of ideas on your Board, and you would like to have a clear view of their content? Now you can simply select a large number of ideas and summarize them using artificial intelligence!
Thanks to the "Create a summary" button, you can generate a short text, as well as a word cloud that visually highlights the most important ideas, to help you instantly understand the context of an exchange or the conclusion of a brainstorming session.

Note that the tool also takes into account the color and layout of your ideas, connectors and images in the selection to refine its summary proposal, drawing on the possibilities offered by visual management.
2. Simply group your ideas by topic
Another new feature allows you to save time categorizing your ideas. Select and group them by topic at the click of a button, reorganizing them directly on the Board or generating a list in text format. In this way, you can immediately identify the main lines of thought, and iterate on these ideas even more effectively.

3. Quickly translate your texts and ideas
Now you can also speed up collaboration between your international teams, by translating the texts and ideas on your Boards into over a hundred languages! Once again, simply select the texts you require, and choose the translation option from the toolbar that appears.

4. Create an action plan from A to Z
Finally, the integration of AI in Board goes even further, as you can now use it to generate a complete action plan.
Based on your ideas in a Board, you can then see the next steps in your team discussions emerge, again in the form of new ideas or a text. Visually structured, this action plan feeds your further thinking, and helps you to put it into practice more quickly.

Whether it is for concluding a meeting, a training session, a brainstorming session or to define the next step in a project, all these features are a real catalyst for your productivity.
You can try them out right now in your Klaxoon account*, and this is just the beginning! Other applications of AI in Board will very soon enhance your collaboration experience, with even more advanced idea generation possibilities!
* Only available for Pro accounts, subject to approval by your administrator.
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