Case study

A cross-functional workshop to promote a new service at CPAM


Shared by 
Françoise Méau
Integrated Management System Assistant at CPAM

Françoise Méau works at the French Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) in the city of Auch, with 130 employees. She works as an integrated management system assistant, and she is responsible for quality, internal control and indicator monitoring. Françoise supports process pilots in these fields, and leads facilitation and optimization workshops that are taking up more and more time in her daily activity. To promote a new online medical leave service, Françoise has organized a more efficient workshop on Klaxoon's Board with around 10 people, and using no less than 4 different methods.

The challenge: promote a new online service at the Fund

An online service has been set up for the management of medical leave certificates (AAT), between health professionals and CPAM. But this new system is not a success in terms of adoption. As the management at CPAM has identified the issue, the marketing department wanted to develop a pitch for health professionals, to convince them to use the service.

Françoise was asked by the marketing department to provide a ready-to-use service. She was given the materials, and she helped the teams to get to grips with using them. Françoise had to guide her employees on the ground to help them support health professionals in how to use an online service to manage medical leave notifications (AAT).

The goal here is to promote an online medical leave service, with a set percentage of use target for electronic medical leave certificates.

Françoise discovered Klaxoon in 2020 via the Innovation Lab at the National Health Insurance Fund. The Workshop Platform was used at that time to roll out facilitation techniques within the organization to deal with a problem, or to mobilize teams around a visual Board to complete a project.

The solution: a complete subgroup workshop on Klaxoon's Board, using different methods (icebreaker, SONCAS etc.)

Françoise had carte blanche to solve this problem. “First of all, I thought about how to run a workshop that identifies the irritants, to develop an argument and respond to these objections, all relating to the service. To create the workshop, I went looking for information. I found different working methods to encourage collective thinking.”

Françoise created a Board, a collaborative digital whiteboard on Klaxoon, which she could custom whatever her needs.

She designed her workshop to take place in 2 stages:

  • Firstly: identify the irritants.
  • Secondly: develop an argument to counter these objections.

To design her workshop, Françoise spent several days gathering information about what could be put in place, getting clued up about what type of methods to include in this workshop. As she says, it was about “letting it mature, to see if it was consistent with our goal of promoting the online service, and providing communication tools for all our employees dealing with healthcare professionals.”

Before, like most people, we were running our workshops in person, with a paperboard, physical whiteboards and sticky notes. It was a bit too basic, and we couldn’t have much fun with the visual part.

With Board, it was easier to facilitate the workshop, and more people could be mobilized because of the possibility to meet remotely.

The workshop lasted 3 hours, with about 10 participants from 2 CPAM offices (in the cities of Auch and Tarbes). The group was composed of agents dealing with users of the online service, i.e. health professionals.

  • IT Service Consultants
  • Health insurance contacts (dealing with health professionals for all matters relating to collective agreements)
  • Management departments (for Auch and Tarbes offices)
  • Logistics department
  • Marketing department
  • And a medical consultant from the local medical service

On the Board, the workshop was made up of different steps.

After introducing how to get started with the tool for people who didn’t know it yet, showing them how to create an idea and move it was really quick.

1. An icebreaker to get things going

The first step was an icebreaker, an exercise frequently used to break the ice at the start of workshops, and which can also be used as a “warm-up”. This icebreaker was called the Lépine contest, and its aim was to get participants to think about needs versus benefits. The aim of the game was to use an animal and an object, to create a new item or service to be presented at the Lépine contest. The idea is to invent the name, imagine which needs it can meet, and describe its benefits. There were 3 working subgroups, with each one presenting their invention. And then, everyone voted for the best one.

That put the group in a good mood, and kicked-off the workshop efficiently. It got the participants thinking about needs and benefits, two concepts they would come back to later during the workshop.

A group of people doing an icebreaker on Board remotely. | Klaxoon
From the first minutes of the workshop, the group is energized and a climate of trust is created for the ensuing discussions.

2. The SONCAS method to identify needs

The second step of the workshop took place in 2 groups, and each of them had the same mission: counter the various objections they come across in their jobs from health professionals, and link them to a need based on the SONCASE method (find here the template for this method in the Klaxoon library). This is a sales technique used to define the buying motives of a potential buyer or customer. “This method is used to identify the needs of health professionals, which are hidden behind their objections.”

Here, some examples of objections identified by the participant, which are then replaced by the needs of health professionals.

3. A World Café brainstorming session to find pros and cons

The next sequence was based on the World Café template. Each group had to identify the pros and cons of the online medical leave service and its competitor: paper. Each group spent time thinking to find ideas that would be used in the next phase.

A remote meeting on the World Café template on Board. | Klaxoon
The group organizes its ideas visually so everyone can understand them instantly.

4. The CAB method to define the arguments

For the last section, the group remained in two subgroups. The ideas from the second sequence (SONCAS method) were copied and pasted on the Board. The link between objections and needs was still visible thanks to the connector used to visually link two ideas, even when they’re moved.

Here, Françoise used the CAB method, which draws on characteristics, advantages and benefits to come up with an argument to counter objections.

Based on the assets and drawbacks, i.e. the pros and cons identified during the World Café brainstorming session, the participants used the CAB method to list the characteristics, advantages and benefits to deal with each objection identified earlier.

We used breakout rooms for small groups on Google Meet to talk and discuss at the same time, I moved from one group to the other during this phase, and we ended up on the Board for the summing up.

The result: with Klaxoon, Françoise mobilizes teams more easily

The diversity among participants and their ideas allowed to made Françoise’s workshop a great success.

Françoise Méau: “The workshop was organized to remove obstacles and find solutions. The participants came out of the workshop with solid arguments to promote the use of the online service.”

This was made possible because Klaxoon facilitates remote collaboration on Board. “We were able to combine different arguments that we would not have thought of if everyone had been working by themselves. Klaxoon clearly made it possible to work with our colleagues from the Tarbes Primary Health Insurance Fund. It would have been complicated to gather the agents from both funds in person.”

The support is good, and it's easy to use. We would have been much more limited without this tool. We could not have pushed the workshop so far and encouraged such deep thinking. Klaxoon is really adaptable and I have a lot of fun working with it.

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world café online brainstorming template

World Café: collaborative ideation with several subgroups


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