
Understanding design thinking in less than 5 minutes with an interactive course


Understand Design Thinking in less than 5 minutes

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Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation and problem-solving that focuses on understanding users, challenging assumptions, redefining problems, and creating innovative solutions to prototype and test. This methodology emphasizes empathy, creativity, and iterative learning, while diverging from traditional linear approaches.

If you have ever wondered how you put design thinking into practice in your own organization, then this “Understand Design Thinking in less than 5 minutes” Mission template is for you. Use its gamified features to learn the key principles of design thinking, and take the first steps towards implementing them as a team.

When is the best time to use design thinking?

Design thinking is a powerful methodology that thrives on innovation, creativity, and a deep understanding of user needs. The best time to use design thinking is when you are facing complex, human-centered challenges that traditional problem-solving approaches fail to address effectively. This method is particularly beneficial during the early stages of a project, when you are exploring ideas and defining the problem space.

Moreover, design thinking is ideal for cross-functional teams looking to foster collaboration and break down silos. It encourages empathy, ideation, and experimentation, making it perfect for projects requiring fresh perspectives and holistic solutions.

Thus, the best time to use design thinking is at the beginning of new projects, during brainstorming phases, and when fostering collaborative efforts among teams. This approach not only solves problems creatively but also ensures solutions are deeply rooted in real user needs and experiences.

Why use this Mission template to get started with design thinking?

A person working on a computer that displays an overview of the “Understand Design Thinking in less than 5 minutes” Mission template. | Klaxoon
A Klaxoon Mission is a gamified pathway that takes you through several levels to deepen your understanding of design thinking.

This ready-to-use Mission template offers many benefits, by encouraging a deep understanding of user needs and reflection through the five steps of design thinking: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test

Here are some of the key advantages to use it in your training or project management:

  • Improved interaction and team engagement: This Mission is structured as a gamified pathway to actively engage participants in the learning process. In just a few minutes, they can earn levels and be challenged by testing their knowledge with interactive questions.  
  • Enhanced cross-functional collaboration: This ready-to-use template encourages collaboration across various jobs and departments, building a culture of teamwork and breaking down silos within an organization.
  • Better innovation: By focusing on user-centered research and iterative prototyping, this design thinking Mission sparks creativity and leads to innovative solutions that may not emerge from traditional problem-solving methods.
  • Reduced risk: By teaching you how to iterate on prototypes and incorporate user feedback throughout the process, this Mission helps minimize the risks associated with product development, as it becomes easier to anticipate by identifying and addressing issues that may arise.
  • Market differentiation: Teams and organizations that leverage this Mission can differentiate themselves in their target market by consistently offering superior, user-friendly products and services.
  • Adaptability: The iterative nature of this Mission allows teams to adapt and respond based on feedback loops and changing market conditions, ensuring that their ideas and solutions remain relevant and effective.

How to use this Mission template efficiently with Klaxoon

Klaxoon is an all-in-one platform that enhances productivity by providing interactive tools for collaboration and learning, and this Mission is an integral part of it. Here are the main steps to easily implement this template in your team training and project management, and effectively get started with design thinking:

  1. Create your version of the template: First, get started with this template by creating your own copy, either from this page or from your Klaxoon account. This Mission is already structured after a complete learning process, but you can of course customize its content if needed: add levels or details, edit questions, change the reward system, etc.
  2. Share the Mission with your team: Once your Mission is finalized, you can easily integrate it in your training or project management process, by inviting the participants to join directly with a link, or via email. If you are using this format for the first time, be sure to introduce it to participants, either in a dedicated short meeting or asynchronously.
  3. Collect feedback in real time: Give participants a deadline to complete the Mission, and track their participation in real time thanks to Klaxoon’s analytical features. These insights will allow you to know if the stakeholders are now familiar with the concept of design thinking, and if they have any suggestions on how to effectively implement it in your practices.
  4. Create an action plan: Based on what you have learned, meet with your team to discuss the outcomes of the Mission, and decide how to adapt design thinking to your own needs and context, for enhanced productivity and maximized results.

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