
More Than An Athlete: visual management to improve team performance


More Than An Athlete

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Executive summary:

May it be for a sports team or in traditional project management, use the More Than An Athlete Template to stay in sync with your athlete or team remotely. Work together on a daily basis to create a bespoke training program for the upcoming month. This visual management tool will help you to be fit and ready to overcome any challenge!

A visual management tool to guide athletes with a personalized approach

With this whiteboard template, designed specifically to exchange feedback and monitor your athlete, create a bespoke training program together, which you can take with you everywhere. 

Each week, for one month, use your visual management Board to collect accurate information about: 

  • Your athlete’s state of fitness and health
  • How they feel after a training session
  • Their meals and anything else that you think is relevant

Then, set milestones and goals, and get up-to-date feedback and statistics.

And because in sports just like at work, collective power is the key to success, the More Than An Athlete template can easily be adjusted to equally suit the world of professional project management.

Use it to stimulate your athlete, or your team, around a shared goal, and use the keys to project management to improve their performance and support them in achieving their goals.

Wherever you are, offer a personalized and efficient follow-up to each athlete you coach.

The benefits of visual management to improve sports performance

Just like organized and well-thought project management is vital for good teamwork, using visual management tools and techniques to coach athletes can be highly effective.

It is no longer just about covering your local team on site. Now, you can also coach remotely using this More Than An Athlete template, with its customizable and easily shareable whiteboard. All the information you share is centralized in one place, so you can offer truly personalized support, taking into account everything that impacts your athlete's performance:

  • Health
  • Diet
  • Sleep
  • Injuries
  • Morale etc.

Moreover, you can adapt and transpose this template to your work environment. In this case too, all team members would need personalized support and sync-up meetings to achieve their goals. So, let’s thrive together!

How to get visual management in action with the More Than An Athlete template

We advise you to launch your template in a Klaxoon Network specifically designed for working with your athlete. Then, at the end of the month, if you carry on monitoring them, you can add a new More Than An Athlete template for the next month to keep a record of your coaching and track their progress. Then, invite your athlete to the Board.

Customize the whiteboard with your athlete’s name, age and start weight, and add a picture of them to make it look more user-friendly. Both of you then answer a Live Storm Question to set your monthly goals. You can display all the goals by switching to List view, and prioritize them by liking the most important ones.

At the beginning of each week, invite your athlete to note their feelings in the 5 default themes, or modify them to suit your coaching or your teamwork. Then, ask the athlete to indicate their level of motivation, by moving the appropriate cursor to green or red. 

Now, all they have to do is post a photo of each of their meals, so you can customize your recommendations. You can change the color of each meal to green or red, to indicate whether this is a suitable diet or not.

All you have to do now is build your personalized program for the week:

  • Post your action ideas in the specific box,
  • Then, organize them in the calendar with your athlete. 

This is where visual management makes perfect sense and empowers your athlete or your team!

Use the last part of the whiteboard to keep up to date with your athlete’s performance, by asking them to post any discomfort or injuries and move the weight cursor if there are any changes. Then, just sit back and watch their mood and their performance improve every week!

Unlock your teamwork potential

For free, make your first steps to top-tier work efficiency with the Klaxoon Visual Platform.