Case study

How to make mandatory training attractive and interactive


Shared by 
Julien Chantemargue
DGAC, Air Traffic Controller and Facilitator

Julien Chantemargue is an air traffic controller at the DGAC, the French Civil Aviation Authority. He works at Paris-Orly airport, where he supervises overflight authorizations in overflight areas. Julien also works as a facilitator: he creates and facilitates remote training programs. In this context, he has adopted Klaxoon and the Workshop Platform, and it allowed him to revitalize his training courses.

Using Session, Julien organizes five training sessions per year. This is mandatory refresher training, which all air traffic controllers have to complete every three years. During this training course, Julien Chantemargue has to hold participants’ attention for three hours. Here is how he found the solution to make his course interactive, and to ensure that everyone participates and reacts.

The challenge: hold audience’s attention and motivate participants despite the mandatory nature of the training

Julien Chantemargue helps to set up the refresher training, which is mandatory for all air traffic controllers, every 3 years throughout their career. Making this training enjoyable and attractive for participants became his number one goal because he found some shortcomings in this respect.

A lack of interaction

Previously, Julien was facilitating his training sessions using slides. Seeing how the attention span of participants was decreasing over the years, he became aware of the following problem: a training has to be interactive to hold participants’ attention.

A lack of user-friendliness

With this goal in mind, the facilitator wanted to update his courses, and in particular the platform where they were shared. Julien was looking for a simple tool to both prepare and facilitate his training programs. An efficient platform that would make it easier for participants to understand and save time.

The solution: dynamic and interactive sequences with Klaxoon's Session

An interactive tool

Julien chose Session to facilitate his training courses. With this activity, he  can display a presentation while launching Challenges, Votes and word clouds whenever he wants. The participants are more involved, and the training is more interactive: “I didn’t expect Questions to stimulate discussion, it’s much more collaborative and informative for the participants.”

Session opens up new possibilities for Julien to imagine his training differently. Preparing for a Session promotes collaboration through Questions that can be directly linked to the sequence of his slides.

The Workshop Platform on multiple devices : laptop, tablet and smartphone.

A variety of features

Julien uses the different Session features to develop his training courses. He manages to hold participants’ attention and target areas for improvement by harnessing the benefits of Klaxoon.

My trainees don’t know what to expect.

Surprising his participants with the endless possibilities of Session has made his training courses more interactive and informative. Session enables Julien to use the whole range of activities and Questions available from Klaxoon. For example, with interactive quizzes, he can assess participants’ knowledge.

An agile tool

Julien naturally turned to Klaxoon to facilitate his training programs. In his opinion, it’s an intuitive tool that unleashes the trainer's creativity. For Julien, Klaxoon has become an indispensable and beneficial tool during his training.

We chose to facilitate training with Questions prepared in advance, or to create them on the go with Live Questions. This is the beauty of the Session tool: depending on the dialogue or discussion, it adapts easily.

As it is very easy to use, for Julien, Klaxoon has become a vital everyday platform. Julien is gradually using the Klaxoon universe for other everyday events (team meetings, feedback etc.).

Klaxoon is an open door to creativity, it facilitates ideation

The result: 100% participation and less preparation time

For Julien, Klaxoon has numerous benefits. Productivity increased quickly because the tool is really simple to use.

The time saving to prepare the training

Thanks to Klaxoon, preparation time for the training is reduced. Julien can easily share ideas synchronously and asynchronously on a Klaxoon Board to prepare his training.

We use a Board to prepare our meetings, as a well-prepared meeting is an effective meeting.

In addition, at the end of a three-hour training session, Julien can retrieve all the ideas shared at any time. More, a report of the Session is available for those who want to review what has been shared or asked.

A 100% participation during the training

Julien noticed that he could rely on Klaxoon to make his training successful, even remotely! Session ensures total immersion in his training. People can also connect remotely, thanks to Live, the integrated videoconferencing tool. Now, everyone is participating, especially in answering questions. The trainer has noticed a real “increase in interest in the training course”.

Julien has also detected more synergies with his trainees. This training is now more interactive and less dependent on the facilitator, who can feel more relaxed in his role.

Klaxoon has been a revelation for him. The diverse range of activities responds to all his needs and is exactly what he was looking for, while boosting participation in the training. The Workshop Platform proved to be the ideal solution for Julien Chantemargue, to make mandatory training for air traffic controllers more interactive.

If you too lead training courses, take a look at our template library where you’ll find, among other things, ready-to-use templates for dynamic and interactive training.

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