Conducting a job interview: a whiteboard designed for recruiter and applicant

Conducting a job interview
“This applicant could well be the person we need! “. That’s what you’re thinking as you hang up the phone after a first promising interview. Your expert recruiter radar has just sensed a matching profile, and it’s failproof. In fact, they’re so perfect that they could be headhunted by someone else...And there’s no way you’re letting this gem go! In a competitive market where some skills are scarce and highly sought-after, a hiring company needs to be attractive. So why not use Board Hybrid to vamp up your job interviews? Klaxoon’s Template is specially designed for this purpose. Let us tell you all about it!
Keep applicants on the edge of their seats following the preliminary phone interview
A few days may elapse between the preliminary call with an applicant and the actual interview. During this period of time,you must keep the applicant interested in your company and the job you’re offering.
Board Hybrid is precisely designed to maintain this contact: it’s the digital version of the whiteboard. But not just any whiteboard: its unlimited surface allows you to share plentiful and varied content, in all shapes and sizes. Whether you communicate via text, images, videos, Word,Excel, PowerPoint, PDF files, shared documents, a link to a web page, etc. you have a wide selection to choose from. This feature offers both you and your applicants highly effective visual communication means to prepare and optimize the interview.
Ahead of the interview, send the link to the applicant (you’ll receive a notification when they log into Board Hybrid):
- The applicant will be able to read about what will be expected of them throughout the recruitment process: are assuring point that makes the process less stressful.
- They will learn more about the company, with the various items you have shared with them. This content gives the applicant a better idea of their potential future work environment and helps them decide whether or not they feel like working for the company and if the assignments meet their expectations.
- If the job offer doesn't meet the applicant’s expectations, they will be able to say so early on in the recruitment process, which will save you precious time.

Make the applicant want to join your company
Emphasize your company’s attractiveness
At this point, put forward the strong points of your employer brand. Regardless of your company’s business, the range of possibilities is wide open. The product or service, the assignment, the vision, the management style, the working environment, the prizes, the career prospects, the salary, the social benefits, the internal training offer, the balance between professional and personal life, etc...All these factors can be put forward. It’s your role to emphasize the assets and distinctive features that make your company stand out positively from others!
Explain your corporate values
Applicants are drawn to companies with matching values to theirs for a reason: they are the very foundation of corporate culture.A recruitment will only be successful if the same values are shared, which is why they need to be expressed clearly.
Put the spotlight on the team
To help an applicant picture themselves working with what might be their new team, introduce them to the team members. Putting a name to a face and knowing how a team is organized is something they can relate to.
Explain the tasks and responsibilities that go with the role
This is without a doubt the deciding factor: the job itself. Make sure to provide enough details about the responsibilities that your future recruit will be given. What are they? What are the objectives? What is the scope of their responsibilities? What skill sets are required?
You must be as clear as possible, so you can assess the applicant’s suitability for the job.

Help the applicant stand out
In the “Tell us more about yourself” area, the applicant can stand out from the pack. They can share the key points they wish to put forward during the interview. Any format is possible: an image, a video, text, a hyperlink, a .ppt, .doc, .pdf document, a shared document…
There are therefore many options to suit all types of profile! A creative person can easily show their portfolio, and a sales person can use graphs to back up their pitch.
It’s also an opportunity for applicants to stress their incentives in applying for the job and joining the company.

Lead the interview in person or remotely
As you know, Board Hybrid’s visual strength is efficient communication. For an in person interview, it is the ideal document presentation solution.
If the interview cannot be conducted in person,Board Hybrid can also be used as the interview location. With Live, the built-in videoconferencing tool, you can easily conduct the job interview and talk to the applicant on screen. Moreover, with the Sync Board feature, you can take it in turns to present your content, knowing that the other person will see the same part of the screen at the same time.

Keep in touch with the applicant after the interview
After the interview, you might want to know what’s on the applicant’s mind. This way you can check that their idea of the job is in line with what they will find in the field.
Finally, the applicant can use the Question tool to ask about a specific point.
Now you’re all set to start and run a job interview with this template, included in Klaxoon’s library! You’ll also find a recruitment follow-up template, ideal to run the process as a team. And to go even further, the Template on the induction journey will help your new team member find their bearings in your company stress-free!
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