Case study

At Yves Rocher, Yannick launches an idea and action collection campaign for sustainability


Shared by 
Yannick Tremblais
API Product Manager, Groupe Yves Rocher

As part of the Groupe Rocher's CSR program, Yannick manages the idea collection campaign of his IT team (ITBS). With Board, around 50 concrete ideas are put forward and around 15 actions are identified. The team agrees collectively on 6 measures included in its "2020" objectives. With Klaxoon, the team members identify the ideas and actions on which they can commit individually and collectively to reduce their activity's environmental footprint.

With Board, the team puts idea into action effectively

To cobuild the IT team's CSR program, Yannick prepares his Board before the meeting starts, in order to define "the game's rules" and draw the areas where the team will be able to send ideas. On the day of the meeting, during the ideation phase, the 8 members of the team, send their ideas by using the identified categories. Thanks to the "like" option on ideas, concrete actions are identified and integrated in the IT team's 2020 objectives.

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Greenstorm template

Greenstorm: reduce the environmental impact of your team


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