
A star is born: a fun icebreaker to create the right mood for the team


A star is born

A star is born: a fun icebreaker to create the right mood for the team
Published on
Jan 25, 2022
Executive summary:

In the process of getting to know people, there comes a point when middle names are mentioned, with some surprising revelations. Why not use this situation for an icebreaker? This activity aims to break the ice between team members, whether or not they know each other.
Anonymously, combine your middle name with the name of your first pet to create your star name. This alias will no doubt take the team by surprise and get them talking! Try to find out which star name belongs to whom. To boost the team's creative spirit, they can then think about which jobs could be associated with the star’s name.
Can you hear the sound of cameras flashing as you stroll along the red carpet?

When Board Hybrid becomes a red carpet for your team

Want to bring your team together to bond and promote teamwork? The ideal place for that is: Board Hybrid! This digital whiteboard boasts unlimited space with optimum visual communication: everyone can have their say at the same time, share text, images, videos, hyperlinks as well as documents in all shapes and sizes. Team members, whether on site or remotely can easily access this interactive workspace. With Live, the videoconferencing tool, the group can interact directly. Other features such as Timer will enhance the experience, so you can keep track of the time for each activity. With Board Hybrid, roll out the red carpet for your team members: all set for the “A star is born”icebreaker! Break the ice in 15 minutes flat!

Find out the team’s star names

Aliases are common throughout the show-business industry. You might not recognize David Jones, Allan Stewart Konigsberg or even Farrokh Bulsara, but you probably know them better as David Bowie, Woody Allen and Freddie Mercury.What alias would you choose to shine in the spotlight?

This Template provides a very simple method to make one up. All you need to dois combine your middle name with the name of your first pet! If you don’t have a middle name or a pet, use your nickname and remember what you used to call your cuddly toy as a child. As you can imagine, this will not guarantee the most glamorous alias, but it will definitely put your team in the right mood!The group will potentially include celebrities such as Julie Findus, Albert Smiley and Mary Hazelnut.

A team member discovers his star name: Alfred Fuzzy | Klaxoon

Find out who the star names belong to

Once all the star names have been found, the group members try to find who they belong to, then post their ideas in the dedicated areas.
With Board Hybrid’s features, you can configure what members can see. In this particular case, the data they share is automatically anonymous to retain the icebreaker’s fun side.
In a different context, the setting can be useful to get everyone on board. Ina work group, some people are sometimes influenced by one individual in particular, or they hold back because they’re worried about what others might think.

Learn more about the group members

Everyone in turn reveals their star name, and maybe tells an anecdote about their middle name or pet. This stage feeds the conversation and helps reveal more information about each group member.
Correct guesses are rewarded with a heart by using the “like” button.

The members of a team are connected on Board in videoconference, to realize the icebreaker "a star is born". | Klaxoon

Appeal to the group’s imagination

End the icebreaker by stimulating group creativity. Now that the names behind the aliases have been uncovered, you can put a star name to a face. Now try to match each team member’s alias with a job...Movies? Music? Sports? Politics?
It’s time to unveil the star within you!

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