
Moving out checklist: Planning all the stages when moving home


Moving out checklist

Published on
Feb 26, 2021
Executive summary:

Use the “Moving out” template to plan all the things you need to do for a successful and seamless home removal.Moving house? Plan your move in stages to avoid last minute surprises.Moving house is not something you can organize at the last minute! Lots of things need to be planned, before, during and after the move! To avoid the last minute panic and make sure you haven't forgotten anything, use our "Moving out checklist" template to list all the things you need to do and sort them into categories: official paperwork, practical organization and moving into your new home. Produce a clear and comprehensive plan, adding items as you go along and regularly updating your "Board".And if you live with several people, you can, of course, share this Board and ask Questions to each other!

Managing your house move with personal project management methods.

Stress-free home removals require meticulous planning. Boxing up all your belongings, buying a new settee to fit into your new lounge, notifying your new address to the Postal service, hiring a van for the day... the list is endless. Moving home means a series of stages: dealing with the practical details, the paperwork and moving in, not forgetting all the figures, dates, addresses and a range of different operators.  A lot of it will be familiar to project managers, except that this time, it involves them personally in their own life!

What is the “Moving out checklist” template?

It’s an “off-the-shelf” model with predefined spaces for all the stages you need to go through when moving house. It is a kind of more detailed “to-do-list” especially designed for home removals.  Use the Board to collect all your paperwork and useful information in one place, before, during and after the move.

The Moving out checklist template is both a handy reminder, a backward planning tool, a directory for useful contacts, a folder, a data base and a messaging system if required. It’s easy to take in hand, customize, complete, adapt, update and adjust. All the templates in the Klaxoon Library are meant to be just that!

How does the Moving out checklist template work?

A template designed to help you organize things must of course be... impeccably organized! The Board is split into three main areas for easier use.

  • Paperwork: address changes, utility services disconnections and connections, completing inspection certificates when leaving rented property, etc. Moving home can involve an awesome amount of paperwork! To avoid embarrassing oversights, take one thing at a time, write everything down and collect all the documentation in one place for instant retrieval. Remember everything, stay sane and save time
  • Organization: Will you use a removal company or rent a van for the Day? How much will it all cost? Can you count on friends and family, and if so, how many, when and how? All these important points need to be decided well in advance to improve efficiency and save time.
  • Moving in: Where will you put all the furniture? What do you need to buy? Use the template to collect floor plans, dimensions, interior decorating tips and links, references for that item you have set your eyes on, etc. Don’t forget: moving out also means moving in!

Hassle- and stress-free house moves

Whether you’re moving house alone or with others, using a removal company or on your own, to the other side of the country or in the next street, next month or next week, manage it all with the “Moving out checklist” template and forget all the stress.  As soon as you have the date, you can start using the Board.

The template means you can plan forward. First you just enter the basic details, then your Board will fill up as you go along with the list of things to do. Just like you would when managing a business project, except that this time, it involves you! You can use the template for any number of people: alone, as a family, with flat-mates, etc. Invite others to join the Board in a few clicks and everyone can join in!

The clear visual display allows you to optimize your house move

The “Moving out checklist” template is designed to be attractive and easy to use.  The graphic design is based on items you immediately associate with moving home: the removal van in the header, or the cardboard boxes for the three main “to do” areas.

The colors used are bright and cheerful, to boost your spirits as you approach the Day!  Give the template a more personal touch and use different colors to see at a glance where you stand.

This visual management method means you can immediately see what still needs to be done, the hold-ups, and can save you a lot of precious time. Visual management has shown how effective it can be in a business context, so why not use it to manage one of life’s major projects, i.e. moving home!

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