How to divide by three the decision-making time - Klaxoon X Ticket for Change

When you need to make a decision as a team, you often end up with lengthy discussions and people who haven't been able to express their points of view. In short, a lot of frustration, lack of efficiency and long-winded decisions. Ticket for Change has found a solution to make it easier, and on top of that, it takes them 3 times less time. Here we go, we explain.
Ticket for Change is a new generation school that wants to activate talents to contribute to solving major social and environmental problems:
- Accelerate the ecological transition
- Eradicate all forms of social exclusion
- Develop the capacities of each individual
The fields of action of Ticket for Change are mainly to accompany : - Entrepreneurs who create projects with a social and environmental vocation,
- Employees who want to contribute to the transformation of their organization towards more impact,
- People in transition who want to find a job that has more meaning for them.
Two years ago, faced with the growth of their activity and also of the number of their collaborators, Ticket for Change looked for solutions which would allow the whole structure to gain in efficiency, particularly during the moments of decision making (from 18'46)
A need to save time when making decisions
Since its creation, Ticket for Change has chosen to structure itself around the most horizontal organization possible. A choice which implies collective decision-making. "We have what we call the strategic circle. It is the body that takes the most important decisions of Ticket for Change: budgets, recruitments, general orientations", explains Sophie Delile, communication and marketing manager.
To constitute it, each service pole (the school has 7) elects a spokesperson who must represent it in the body.
At the beginning, the circle organizes meetings, where each person speaks on his or her own topics.
A very classic organization but one that lacks efficiency, regrets Sophie Delile:
Before, the meeting could last 3 hours. The person making the decision would take notes on his or her own. There was a round table discussion where everyone expressed their feelings, their recommendations and eventually their validation. Often, we were drowning in the decision, forgetting why we were there. It was a blur.
The whole functioning of Ticket for Change is based on this strategic committee. For Sophie, it became essential to rethink the organization of this committee. She chose the Klaxoon Board and made a matrix to help in the decision making process.
A more structured workshop, thanks to the Klaxoon Board
With the integration of the Klaxoon Board in the operation of the strategic committee, the whole process of the committee evolves. From now on, the workshop will take place in 3 stages.
Step #1: before the workshop
Before the workshop, because there are many subjects to deal with and increasingly complex decisions to be made, the facilitator provides the participants with a document containing the information needed to understand the issues to be decided. He places it directly on the Board: in fact, the Board accepts all document formats (PDF, PPT, Excel, Word) or links to shared documents.
Then, a table is proposed where the decisions to be taken are written.
Each member of the committee has a line to express himself according to two axes.
For example, let's take the decision before the group which is "should we hire a new employee?"
Axis 1 determines whether you agree with the decision or not. Everyone expresses themselves using a pictogram system:
- A red cross = do not agree (we should not hire)
- A green check = strongly agree (we need this recruitment)
- Red arrow down, rather disagree but need to talk about it (I am rather against a recruitment)
- Green arrow up, somewhat agree but need to talk about it (I'm pretty much for recruitment)
Axis 2 allows the participant to explain his opinion a little more explicitly if necessary. The participant writes down an idea and places it next to his pictogram. Here again, to make the table more visual, a color code is used. If we take the example of recruitment again:
- Yellow to support a validation ( I think so because ... I think not because ...)
- Green for questions (Is this recruitment for a fixed-term or permanent contract?)
- Blue for a feeling (I have the impression that we would need to recruit two people)
- Red for recommendations (I have met someone who seems to be suitable)
This typology makes the table extremely visual, therefore easier to understand and analyze.
This individual work is done when everyone can/wants to before the workshop. And it is essential! Thanks to this information gathering and the filling in of the table, the time in common is only dedicated to the exchange, the debates and the actual decision making. The workshop can begin.
Step #2: During the workshop
The Board is filled in. Thanks to this upstream work, the person in charge of the subject, who acts as the workshop facilitator, immediately spots the points that need attention thanks to the color codes.
The facilitator looks at the trend, rather green or red. It's a pretty powerful system. If the trend is green, it means that the decision is pretty much validated. We can then focus on points that need to be clarified or verified, to go further on the proposal. Conversely, if the trend is red, we know we're going to have to focus on clearing up objections or revising the proposal.
The facilitator and the group can together focus on the core of the subject and benefit from everyone's input. The meeting time is really dedicated to collective intelligence.
Step #3: After the workshop
After the meeting, the Board remains available for everyone. Those who could not attend the committee can consult it for information. The decision-maker - the one who initiated the subject or the question addressed - can take the time, if necessary, to reread the opinions and recommendations of the members of the circle, which are materialized by the Board's ideas. The time spent on consolidating the information or on the synthesis is almost nil because everything has been filled in as the workshop progresses.
Decision-making time divided by 3
This way of carrying out the Ticket for Change decision-making workshop saves time at each stage.
1- Before the workshop:
getting to know the subject and expressing one's opinion beforehand saves time for the assembly: fewer lengthy explanations when the team is together. This asynchronous time also allows everyone to integrate the subject at their own pace.
2- During the workshop:
the team's time is focused on the decisions that are being debated. What everyone agrees on does not need to be discussed. The collective intelligence generated by the team is optimized for more complex decisions.
3- After the workshop:
no need to spend time on a report because all the exchanges are visible on the Board. Consequently, there is no need to plan an explanation time for the possible absentees. They can get all the information by going to the Board.
Sophie believes that this new organization allows to divide by 3, the time of decision making and to pass from a workshop of 3 hours to only 1 hour, for more motivated and thus more relevant decisions.
Today, with an asynchronous reflection of everyone, before the workshop, and the segmentation of the subjects to be treated thanks to the color code, we are much more efficient, before, during and after the workshop.
The strategic committee gains in efficiency thanks to the use of the Board before, during and after the workshops. As this committee manages the most important decisions of Ticket for Change, all the school's teams benefit from this gain in time and overall efficiency.
This transformation of the strategic committee is the first concrete change introduced by the use of Klaxoon by the Ticket for Change teams. Today, the workshop platform is part of Ticket for Change's daily tools. In particular, during team synchronization points. As Adèle Galey, co-founder of Ticket for Change, explains at the beginning of this Live (from 8'18)
More globally, thanks to the workshop platform, Ticket for Change has transformed its organization while controlling its growth. The results: greater efficiency, improved collaboration between employees and partners and an ever more dynamic business!
And to learn more, this webinar is available on our Youtube channel.
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