
Business Model Canvas: get an overview of your business model as a team


Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas: get an overview of your business model as a team
Published on
Jun 11, 2020
Executive summary:

With the Business Model Canvas template you can visualize your entire business model in one place. If you're setting up a business, creating a new product or launching a project, use the Business Model Canvas to work as a team to analyze its potential. Klaxoon’s Board makes it easy to structure your business model and get a visual overview of your strategy and action items.

Visualize your business model with the Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas was developed in the 2000s by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in Business Model Generation. The aim of this template is to illustrate the business model of a project, a business or a new product. How? First of all, by visually representing every aspect of the business environment in one place. Then, by working as a team to define priorities, from which the most appropriate strategy to be implemented will emerge.

In the office, 100% remotely or for hybrid working with part of the team working remotely, use this strategic analysis template to conceptualize your business model and represent it visually with Board, Klaxoon's whiteboard.

The Business Model Canvas template is divided into nine different building blocks, so you and your team will cover every aspect of your economic environment and create a truly comprehensive model.

You can work on your canvas any time you need, as Board can be accessed from any connected device.

The benefits of the Business Model Canvas template

This tool will be vital at every stage of your business life cycle: from the nascent idea to the sale of your business, its launch and growth. Indeed, this Business Model Canvas will guide and help you to find out where to start. It helps to organize personal thoughts and boost teamwork at the same time. You will develop an effective action plan to test your assumptions and thus avoid mistakes that will cost you time and money. And when it comes to project management, it will make you challenge yourself, refine your model and find innovative ideas.

The visual structure of the Business Model Canvas means you get an overview that can be lacking when simply writing your business model on a piece of paper. It consists of nine building blocks:

  1. Customer segments
  2. Value proposition
  3. Distribution channels
  4. Customer relations
  5. Revenue streams
  6. Key resources
  7. Key services
  8. Key partners
  9. Cost structures

The Business Model Canvas makes management easy. It gives you a complete overview of what needs to be done right now, and encourages you to move forward with the resources (human and financial) that are available at each step.

Finally, on Board you can write things, share documents, suggest ideas and explore several different models as a team pretty quickly. The Business Model Canvas template is a great way to ideate and unleash your creativity.

Build your Business Model Canvas with Klaxoon

Start by inviting your team to Board. Then, use the timer to set five minutes for each category of thinking, during which participants are invited to post their ideas in the appropriate area. Follow the order suggested by the numbers, it will make it easier and get thoughts flowing. Start with your the area dedicated to your clients, who are at the heart of your business model. Select the name of the corresponding category directly in the idea that you place in the box of the same name.

Then, it's time for some teamwork to get everyone on the same page. Everyone votes for one or two ideas from each category by clicking on the heart button. Remember to ask your employees Questions directly on the Board if you need to look at an idea in more depth. With the Question tool, you can also set multiple answer votes.

Finally, spend some time defining the key strategic objectives of your project, based on the mutually agreed ideas. Suggest your team to post action items in ideas of a different color, so that the outcome of your workshop can be easily visualized by everyone and you can reuse it in your project management.

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